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No screenshot available
Short:Pic showing off some power of new DOpus5.5.
Author:Trevor Morris
Uploader:Trevor Morris <a3nb jupiter sun csd unb ca>
Download:pix/wb/Opus55Preview.lha - View contents


This is just a snapshot of my workbench (which is replaced by DOpus5.5).
I have tried to show off as many features as was possible in one picture.
This environment runs on the following:

Machine: A3000  CPU: 68030 25MHz/33Mhz 882 FPU
 Memory: 2M Chip, 12M Fast.
    Gfx: CyberVision64 4M (CyberGfx2.18)
     OS: OS3.1 (Kickstart 40.62, Workbench 40.42)
     HD: Quantum 50MB SCSI (SYS) & Quantum 270MB SCSI-II (WORK)
   Misc: 1960 multisync monitor, 14.4k SupraFax modem
     WB: DOpus5.5-replacement, CVision: 8Bit 800x600 (MWB16 locked)

Patches: KingCon, Upd, MWB-Demon, AutoPort, PatchControl
    Cxs: MCP_1.21, Directory_Opus_5.5, Arq, SysIHack, ClipHistory, SwazInfo,
         MagicSelector, Reminder_6.3
   Misc: MUI3.6

Short greets to: George Hornmoen, Steve Praught, Jester, Roman
                 Patzner, Leo Davidson, Jonathon Potter, Greg
                 Perry, Mario Cattaneo, Malcolm Harnden, Uwe
                 Schuerkamp, and Tom Mersereau.



Directory Opus 5.5 is now available!

GPSoftware demonstrates its continuing support for the Amiga with the
release of the new version the Amiga world's most popular directory and
file management utility.  After more than 12 months of extra development,
Directory Opus 5.5 is more of a new version than just a simple update and
contains many changes and enhancements over the original product.

After receiving many comments and useful suggestions from Opus users,
almost every facet of the new program has been examined and subjected to
user scrutiny, backed up by extensive field testing from very persistent
Beta testers.  This release extends the original Opus 5 concepts and
provides many significant improvements in both operational power and
usability.  From the feedback we have received so far we are confident that
you will enjoy this new product more than ever!

Take a look at the following enhancements to see why an upgrade is a must!

  . A new Icon Action Mode gives all the power of name mode Listers but
  with icons.

  . Button banks and Listers need no longer be activated first in order to
  see right and middle mouse button clicks.

  . WorkBench Replacement Mode has been enhanced.  Use Opus 5.5 with
  complete confidence to replace the standard Workbench.

  . An integrated OpusFTP capability lets you access remote Internet sites
  directly from standard Opus Listers.

  . Button banks can now be borderless with a sleek minimal dragbar
  instead of a full window border.

  . New Filetype-specific pop-up menus allow special menus for icons and
  files.  Use Filetypes to add custom menus for different types of files
  and icons.

  . Custom buttons have a pop-up menu giving access to an extended
  selection of commands.

  . New independent HotKeys are now supported.

  . New Scripts system allows functions to be executed upon most system

  . Custom menus have been improved with multiple user menus with sub

  . New Automatic Filetype Creator allows you to create and test Filetypes
  with ease.

  . A font viewer is now included.  Just double-click on a font to view

  . Listers now have field titles, single-click re-sorting by fields, plus
  a new version field which reads the internal version information from
  each file.

  . New colour remapping of button and icon images with support for 'Magic
  Workbench' and similar systems.

  . Cybergraphics RTG now supported.

  . You can now selectively hide unwanted drive icons from the Opus main

  . Enhanced clipboard support provides full cut, copy and paste in
  gadgets and file Listers.

  . Listers are no longer blocked while busy - you can now resize,
  iconify, and scroll busy Listers.

  . Icon and Lister snapshots are now stored separately from Workbench.

  . Listers can now display a background picture or pattern.

  . A new internal Opus CLI allows you quickly test commands and Arexx

  . Several new internal commands and many new ARexx commands have been
  added or extended with new features.  You can now even add you own
  internal commands with ARexx.

For more details see our WWW page at

Special Upgrade Offer for Registered Users!

Opus users who have registered direct with GPSoftware should look out for a
special upgrade offer in your letter box over the next couple of weeks.
Those registered with a local distributor should contact the distributors
below for upgrade pricing and details.

Pricing and Distributors

Opus 5.5 Recomended price is A$129.00, US$99, UK 59.99, DM139.00

Upgrade price for existing users is A$65.00 plus A$10.00 package and air
mail postage.

Contact your local distributor or GPSoftware for further details.

GPSoftware Distributors World-Wide

UK                    Germany             USA
Wizard Developments   Schatztruhe         Micro R&D
PO Box 490            Veronikastr 33      721 'O' Street
Dartford, Kent        45131 Essen         Loup City, NE 68853
England  DA1 2UH      Germany             USA
Ph +44 1322 527800    Ph +49 201 788778   Ph +1 308 745 1243
Fax +44 1322 527810    Fax +49 201 798447   Fax +1 308 745 1246

Small-Biz Software
PO Box 24
Golden Beach, Qld
Australia 4551
Ph +61 (74) 919190
Fax +61 (74) 926860

Dr Greg Perry, GPSoftware, Brisbane. August 1st 1996

PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Birsbane, Australia 4060
Phone/Fax +61 7 33661402


Contents of pix/wb/Opus55Preview.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2854    5882  48.5% -lh5- d4da Aug 30  1996 Opus55Preview.readme
[generic]               155964  233752  66.7% -lh5- e18a Aug 30  1996 TrevsDB.iff
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         2 files  158818  239634  66.3%            Aug 31  1996
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