SimplePost is a postscript previewer for your Amiga with a (hopfully) nice
GUI. It is based on Alladin Ghostscript 6.0 so I hope that all the files
are drawn correctly. You can switch between pages, save them as IFF-ILBM
and print them (via external programm). But note that everything is far from
being perfect.
Copyright, Distribtion and Disclamer
SimplePost is ©2000 by Sebastian Bauer.
SimplePost is freeware. Feel free to spreat it, as long as
all files are included and in an unchanged form. You are not
allowed to make profit from its distribution!
In no way the author can be made responible for any damage created
by the program. Use it at your own risk!
Aladdin Ghostscript 6.0 (which is used by SimplePost) is
Copyright (C) 2000 Aladdin Enterprises. It comes with NO WARRANTY.
How to use SimplePost
SimplePost can be started from Workbench or Shell (however, no shell
template exists at the moment). The gui should be self explaind
(it has also some bubble helps), but here is a short describtion anywhy.
After SimplePost has succesfully started (and it has found the
initialisation files) it opens a window which consits of a row of buttons
on the top, another row below of it, a listview of all available pages on
the right and a big area where the the current selected page is displayed.
To mark a part inside the display area press the left mouse button,
move the mouse around until you are happy with the selected area and
then release the button (press shift before pressing the lmb and you
are able to mark the area in a non view aspect radio corrected way).
However, currently you can only zoom in this area (by pressing the Zoom
button in the top row).
To open a postscript file use the "Project/Open..." menu entry or move an
icon inside the main window.
Saving the current displayed page as IFF-ILBM is possible with the
"Project/Save as ILBM..." entry.
To print one or more pages use the "Project/Print.." menu entry. In the
listview select those pages which you want to print.
Actually printing a page must be done by a seperate program (shell command).
SimplePost creates a temporary IFF-ILBM picture and calls the print program
with this picture as argument. Which program SimplePost uses can be
configured in the "Print Command" line in SimplePost's Configuration Window
(Settings/Configuration...). %s in the path is replaced with the filename
of the temporary created IFF-ILBM graphics file.
In this window you can alter also some other things like the path of the
mentioned temporary files and the search path for fonts and data files (it
is very important to set at least path where SimplePost can find the file, otherwise it will not start at all!). Additionally the paper
format and the different resolutions can be altered.
Saving/Loading the settings is possible with the adequate menu entries in the
"Settings" menu.
- fix all bugs
- direct use of the printer.device to print the pages
- enable somehow the pdf support (it is in but actually I have no
idea why it doesn't work atm)
- ARexx Port
- support of multitasking
Version 0.1 (19.03.00)
- initial release
How can you reach me?
SimplePost probably has many bugs, so send bug reports to or
Sebastian Bauer
Neustädter Str. 50
07768 Kahla
Visit my homepage at
(german version)
(english version)
Here you can find the latest version of SimplePost but also
other things for Amiga, for example SimpleFind3 and SimplePac.
Very great thanks goes to Marco Saupe <>
for betatesting SimplePost. He also sent the included button
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__ / / Only Amiga makes it possible...
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