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util/cdity/MCPBlankerOff.lha |
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MCPBlankerOff by Leo 'Nudel' Davidson <leo.davidson@keble.oxford.ac.uk>
A simple program to control the state of MCP's screen blanker and dimmer
(i.e. turn them on and off).
$VER: MCPBlankerOff.doc 1.1 (24.8.96)
Public Domain. Source (ANSI-C w/ ReadArgs()) included.
So that I can turn off the screen blanker when I'm on the internet or
watching a slideshow, and so that I can watch the on-screen progress of
something which takes a while to happen from the comfort of my bed
without having to throw my pillow at the mouse when the screen blanks. :-)
(Of course, you can just load MCP prefs when you want to turn the blanker
off, but this program lets you have it done automatically in a script).
After you reboot the old blanker setting will be restored.
That's all it does -- that's all I want it to do. :-)
MCPBlankerOff Off To stop the screen from blanking.
MCPBlankerOff Off Dimmer To stop the screen from blanking and dimming.
MCPBlankerOff On To renable screen blanking.
MCPBlankerOff On Dimmer To renable screen blanking and dimming.
.--------------------------------------- .---- ----- ---- --- -- - - - |
| Leo 'Nudel' Davidson - NoOo.o.oOoODLE! | leo.davidson@keble.oxford.ac.uk |
| Amiga DOpus5 /X WebPage v2.10 7-Apr-96 | http://info.ox.ac.uk/~kebl0364/ |
| - - - -- --- ---- ----- -----------' --------------------------------'
Contents of util/cdity/MCPBlankerOff.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 4762 7480 63.7% -lh5- 984a Aug 24 1996 MCPBlankerOff
[generic] 548 1091 50.2% -lh5- ecfc Aug 24 1996 MCPBlankerOff.doc
[generic] 1093 2769 39.5% -lh5- 2296 Aug 24 1996 Source/MCPBlankerOff.c
[generic] 188 293 64.2% -lh5- 429e Aug 3 1996 Source/scoptions
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 6591 11633 56.7% Aug 25 1996
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