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Short:Patch to load any pictures formats in any applications
Author:Lejardinier Olivier
Download:util/cdity/mpls_v1_4_demo.lha - View contents

**************************** Français / French *****************************

 MPLS Patch v1.4 (10/04/96) *** SHAREWARE - VERSION DE DEMONSTRATION ***
 Copyright © 1995-96 Lejardinier Olivier
 All Rights Reserved

 Ce  patch  système  permet  A N'IMPORTE  quelle  application de charger des
 formats  d'images  tels que le GIF, JPEG, TARGA, etc... si votre système en
 possède le datatype.

 Vous pouvez par exemple utiliser MPLS Patch avec des programmes tels que :

 - (True)Brilliance ou DPaint pour les images GIF, JPEG, etc...
 - Imagine !!! pour utiliser des textures en GIF, JPEG, etc...
 - ADPro si vous ne posséder pas par exemple certains loaders.
 - FinalCopy II, FinalWriter, etc...
 - etc...

 Pour fonctionner, ce programme nécessite obligatoirement :

  - Un OS pouvant exploiter les datatypes (AmigaDOS 3.0 ou supérieur).
  - Des datatypes pouvant gérer des formats d'images.
  - La ReqTools librairie v38 ou supérieur.

 L'utilisation d'un disque dur, et de suffisament  de  mémoire  (MPLS Patch
 fonctionne à partir de 2Mo), est grandement conseillée.

 ATTENTION : Pour pouvoir utiliser la version de démonstration de MPLS Patch
             vous devez possèder l'un des programmes suivants :

             - (True)Brilliance
             - DPaint

 Cette version de MPLS Patch :

  - n'est utilisable qu'avec l'un des programmes cité ci-dessus.
  - n'est pas configurable.
  - se désactivera au bout d'un certain temps et affichera une requête vous
    demandant de vous enregistrer.

  Pour plus d'informations, consulter la documentation.

***************************** English / Anglais ****************************

 MPLS Patch v1.4 (10/04/96) *** SHAREWARE - DEMO VERSION ***
 Copyright © 1995-96 Lejardinier Olivier
 All Rights Reserved

 MPLS Patch is a system patch that allows ANY application to load ANY type
 of  pictures  formats  (ie  GIF, JPEG,  TARGA, etc...),  using  picture
 datatype installed in your system.

 For example, you can use MPLS Patch with :

 - (True)Brilliance or DPaint to load GIF, JPEG, etc...
 - Imagine !!! to use GIF, JPEG textures
 - ADPro if you don't own some extras loaders (TARGA, TIFF,...)
 - Any word processing (FinalCopy II, FinalWriter, etc...)
 - etc...
 This program requires :

 - AmigaDOS 3.0 or above.
 - Some datatypes that can handle pictures formats.
 - ReqTools library v38 or higher.
 An hard drive and some extra  memory  are  recommended  (MPLS Patch can run
 with 2Mo but vou will not certainly can load big pictures).
 WARNING : To use this DEMO VERSION of MPLS Patch, you should own at least
           one of the following applications :

           - (True)Brilliance
           - DPaint


  - can't run with other application that are not listed above (of course,
    the registred version can do it !)
  - is not configurable.
  - will be remove from the system after a time.

  To get more informations, please consult the (french, sorry) documentation.

Contents of util/cdity/mpls_v1_4_demo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  270     628  43.0% -lh5- 8989 Apr 16  1996
[generic]                 1904    8660  22.0% -lh5- 8cb6 Oct 27  1995 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Bugs_Report
[generic]                  322     840  38.3% -lh5- e460 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/
[generic]                61944   61944 100.0% -lh0- d9a2 Dec  7  1995 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/C/Installer
[generic]                25711   26244  98.0% -lh5- ab24 Dec 14  1995 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/C/LhEx
[generic]                  286     614  46.6% -lh5- 3b66 Apr 21  1995 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Catalogs/Franç
[generic]                 1092    2527  43.2% -lh5- e786 Apr 12  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Catalogs/Français/français_demo.ct
[generic]                  330     850  38.8% -lh5- a263 Apr 21  1995 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Catalogs/Français/franç
[generic]                  993    1916  51.8% -lh5- 9323 Apr 12  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Catalogs/Français/mplspatch_demo.catalog
[generic]                  106     141  75.2% -lh5- 6b89 Apr 23  1995 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Catalogs/Make_Cat_Demo
[generic]                  326     848  38.4% -lh5- a58e Apr 22  1995 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Catalogs/
[generic]                  925    2367  39.1% -lh5- a1f9 Apr 12  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Catalogs/
[generic]                  332     850  39.1% -lh5- ee9f Apr 21  1995 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Catalogs/
[generic]                 2369    2369 100.0% -lh0- 6312 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/BMP.LHA
[generic]                78423   78423 100.0% -lh0- dfeb Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/JFIF.LHA
[generic]                 2293    2293 100.0% -lh0- ab89 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/MacPaint.LHA
[generic]                 4276    4276 100.0% -lh0- 7926 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/PCX.LHA
[generic]                 5538    5538 100.0% -lh0- e18a Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/Picture.LHA
[generic]                76854   76854 100.0% -lh0- 5226 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/PNG.LHA
[generic]                 2394    2394 100.0% -lh0- 6e12 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/REKO Cardset.LHA
[generic]                 3384    3384 100.0% -lh0- 7462 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/Sun Raster.LHA
[generic]                 4350    4350 100.0% -lh0- 9891 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/Targa.LHA
[generic]                37891   37891 100.0% -lh0- 1ccb Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/TIFF.LHA
[generic]                 3555    3555 100.0% -lh0- 9ae3 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/WordPerfectGfx.LHA
[generic]                 4142    4142 100.0% -lh0- 64e4 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/X-Bitmap.LHA
[generic]                 2889    2889 100.0% -lh0- 9a83 Apr 14  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/DataTypes/ZGIF.LHA
[generic]                 1340    3080  43.5% -lh5- 26a9 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Description
[generic]                  321     840  38.2% -lh5- 9ab3 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/
[generic]                 1802    6425  28.0% -lh5- e896 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Install DataTypes
[generic]                  558    1320  42.3% -lh5- 3672 Apr 16  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Install
[generic]                 3289   13235  24.9% -lh5- 8917 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Install MPLS Patch DEMO
[generic]                  557    1317  42.3% -lh5- 0945 Apr 16  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Install MPLS Patch
[generic]                 5316    8524  62.4% -lh5- bbd8 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/MPLS_Patch.Brilliance
[generic]                  698    1100  63.5% -lh5- f2e1 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/
[generic]                 5311    8520  62.3% -lh5- 4ed8 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/MPLS_Patch.DPaint
[generic]                  697    1096  63.6% -lh5- 99c2 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/
[generic]                 5315    8528  62.3% -lh5- cc0c Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/MPLS_Patch.TrueBrilliance
[generic]                  700    1100  63.6% -lh5- 1fc6 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/
[generic]                    1       1 100.0% -lh0- d4c1 Jan 12  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/MPLS_Patch_DEMO.Env
[generic]                15098   43900  34.4% -lh5- 56c7 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/MPLS_Patch_DEMO.Guide
[generic]                  316     840  37.6% -lh5- 84ed Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/
[generic]                69922   69922 100.0% -lh0- 5505 Dec  7  1995 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Pics.LHA
[generic]                  277     487  56.9% -lh5- a61c Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/
[generic]                  633    1953  32.4% -lh5- 2a6b Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Registration
[generic]                  324     840  38.6% -lh5- 0a25 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/
[generic]                  462     816  56.6% -lh5- 1cc1 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Shareware
[generic]                  323     840  38.5% -lh5- 04e2 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/
[generic]                  963    5035  19.1% -lh5- ba94 Apr 15  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Uninstall MPLS Patch DEMO
[generic]                  550    1316  41.8% -lh5- 16a8 Apr 16  1996 MPLS_Patch_v1.4_DEMO/Uninstall MPLS Patch
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        49 files  437672  517822  84.5%            May 12  1996
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