Extversion 1.0 BETA
EXTRAVERSION - Find the extra version string (non-Amiga version).
EXTRAVERSION [<library|script|file>] [FULL|VSTRING|HELP]
EXTRAVERSION finds the extra version number of a library, command,
script or simply any file where the extra version string has been has been
correctly set.
EXTRAVERSION with no <library|script|file> argument prints the name and
extra version string.
FULL - Outputs name, extraversion, date and the comment in the extra
version string (in the same line).
VSTRING - Outputs the complete extra version string (including $EXTVER:).
VERSION - <Not yet implemented.>
To add an extra version string to your file, make sure that the file
contains a string of characters that represent the extra version string.
"\0$EXTVER: Program_Name ExtraVersionString (dd.mm.yyyy) Some comment.\0"
ProgramName - Name of your program
ExtraVersionString - Any non-Amiga version string (tip: use _ for spaces)
dd - Day of month (1-31)
mm - Month of year (1-12)
yyyy - Year using four digits
comment - Optional comment, just for readability.
Version 1.0b: 2016 Feb
- Large part of the command (pretty much the whole command) rewritten from scratch.
- Test cases implemented (for internal debugging/testing).
- More than 40 test files (for internal debugging/testing), testing both bad
good extver tags.
- Shold work on both textfiles and executables.
- Compiled with the newly published SDK.
Version 0.4: Beta 1: 2014 May
- Option HELP implemented.
- Option FULL implemented.
- Option VSTRING implemented.
- Fixed bug, one (or some) extra trailing char got sometimes read into the
Extversion cookie.
- Fixed bug, failed to find properly set extra version string in scripts
and other text files.
- Many other fixes and improvements.
Version 0.3: Alpha 3: 2014 May
- Updated the Extversion.doc.
OpenAmiga.org / Marko K. Seppänen