I wrote again RequestSlide, this time using asm instead of C language. So now
it is shorter, and more I added stack/memory operators
sto rcl dup
No solution (for now) for 16bit limit (apart from using FUNC feature as explained
in the guide), it depends on gadtools slider.
The name is ERequestSlide where E stands for Enhanced. I added this E when I coded
the parser for FUNC feature, but the real name was always RequestSlide.
I hope one of this will still work in the future...
I never mind about this, so I always forget it. Anyway, all my programs are
FREEWARE, this mean you can use and misuse (at your own risk), spread and
so on, but you cannot ask a fee for the programs themselves, and you cannot
include them in commercial products without my permission.
Sources are given for study and analysis, whenever useful. I won't "punish"
who is able to make better FREEWARE programs using my sources if he keeps
my name in the part of code he took (and hopefully cites me somewhere in
the docs)