84782 packages online
util/cli/TaskByName.lha |
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Short: | Simple ARexx Scripts for handling DOS tasks by name. |
Author: | "Robert Cranley" robertcranley yahoo.ie |
Uploader: | robertcranley yahoo ie |
Type: | util/cli |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2001-06-01 |
Requires: | ARexx running, Status, Break and ChangeTaskPri in the default |
Download: | util/cli/TaskByName.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/cli/TaskByName.readme |
Downloads: | 527 |
Two simple ARexx scripts which I wrote to enable the breaking and
priority adjusting of shell tasks by their name. But why? I hear you
cry. Well, ever want to simple be able to kill a task or change its
priority, but then have to use the status command, pick out your task,
and then use the Break or ChangeTaskPri commands. Well, these two
scripts allow you to do this by the name of the task instead. Handy for
DOS scripts, where there's no guarantee a task will be on a particular
CLI number. Anyway, try it out and you'll see...
Simply copy Break.rexx and ChangePri.rexx to your REXX: assign. The
Script (S) protection bit should be set, just check it if you have
If the S bit is set, simply typing Break.rexx or ChangePri.rexx at a
shell prompt will execute the scripts. Make sure RexxMast
(SYS:System/RexxMast) is running first! RX Break or RX ChangePri will
achieve exactly the same results.
Both scripts take the name of a task as the first argument, and
ChangePri takes a priority number (-127 -> +127) as a second argument.
Note that these scripts will only work on CLI tasks. For example:
Break.rexx SysMon
RX Break SysMon
will search for a task called "SysMon" and pass a break command onto it
(Ctrl-C). If it can't find the task it will tell you so.
ChangePri Workbench -1
Will set the workbench task's priority to -1.
Note that you can seriously affect your system, even making it
unuseable or crashing it, by messing with tasks. Only use these scripts
if you know what you're doing. I can't be held responsible for anything
that goes wrong as a result of using these scripts. If something does
go badly wrong though, a reboot will usually fix it, but make sure
you're not going to invalidate your disks :(
These scripts are emailware. Do what you want with them, but you should
really mail me, even if just to say that you love or hate the scripts.
Go on, listen to that conscience :)
ICQ: 103366205
Contents of util/cli/TaskByName.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 512 964 53.1% -lh5- 1667 May 24 2001 ChangePri.rexx
[generic] 455 835 54.5% -lh5- 56f0 Jan 12 2001 break.rexx
[generic] 1169 2265 51.6% -lh5- f5e6 May 31 2001 TaskByName.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 2136 4064 52.6% May 31 2001
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