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Short:(useful) CLI programs
Author: mrapng at (Mauro Panigada)
Uploader:Mauro Panigada
Download:util/cli/cliutils_mra.lha - View contents

  A collection of programs (often assembly source included) for shell/cli.
  Take a look at: AskErr, pwd (unix-like), RequestChoice, RequestFile,
  RequestModeID, RequestString, xcom, please!

  If you use (or if you don't) these programs, please
  Contact me:      or

Original  Packed    Date    Name              Description
-------- ------- ---------  -------------     --------------
     212     181 17-Jun-97 +AskErr            DOS error string from its number
     312     233 11-Apr-96 +ColdReboot        reboot system
     984     712 17-Jun-97 +Device            information on devices
     756     532 07-Mar-96 +DFree             free space on a device
     704     505 17-Jun-97 +FreeX             free space on a device
     172     170 17-Jun-97 +pwd               unixlike print work directory
    1108     697 21-Jul-98 +ReadDevice        information on devices (from mountlist)
     412     315 11-Apr-96 +Reboot            reboot system
     448     395 20-Jul-98 +RequestChoice     "intui-ask" (request a choice!)
     996     695 21-Oct-98 +RequestFile       request a file (or a dir ...)
     428     364 23-Jul-98 +RequestModeID     give hex code of a ModeID
     568     471 20-Jul-98 +RequestString     request a string
     748     589 17-Jun-97 +XCom              POWERFUL handler of file COMMENTS
    2088    1356 22-Feb-99 +MUFilter          activate/disactivate powerled (cx)
     778     459 23-Feb-99 +AAA_ReadMe.ReadMe READ IT
     397     254 22-Feb-99 +AskErr.doc        silly doc
     447     291 22-Feb-99 +Device.doc        silly doc
     448     280 23-Feb-99 +DFree.doc         silly doc
     521     314 22-Feb-99 +FreeX.doc         silly doc
     879     484 23-Feb-99 +MUFilter.doc      silly doc
     306     204 23-Feb-99 +pwd.doc           silly doc
     401     235 22-Feb-99 +ReadDevice.doc    silly doc
     778     459 23-Feb-99 +ReadMe.ReadMe     READ IT
     379     231 23-Feb-99 +Reboot.doc        silly doc
     922     538 23-Feb-99 +RequestChoice.doc silly doc
     515     304 23-Feb-99 +RequestFile.doc   silly doc
     517     297 23-Feb-99 +RequestModeID.doc silly doc
     499     296 23-Feb-99 +RequestString.doc silly doc
    8841    3202 06-Nov-98 +XCom.doc          real doc
    8276    3318 06-Nov-98        real guide
    1163     609 18-Jun-97 +AskErr.a          source (read header)
    4710    1787 22-Feb-99 +Device.a          source (read header)
    4521    1734 17-Jun-97 +DFree.a           source
    4352    1594 17-Jun-97 +DFree2.a          source (read header)
    4227    1538 17-Jun-97 +FreeX.a           source (read header)
   15783    5057 22-Feb-99 +MUFilter.a        source (read header)
    1073     561 17-Jun-97 +pwd.a             source (read header)
    4313    1512 02-Sep-98 +ReadDevice.a      source (read header)
    1969     992 17-Jun-97 +ColdReboot.a      source (read header)
    2645    1221 17-Jun-97 +Reboot.a          source (read header)
    5058    1506 22-Feb-99 +Askq.a            source
    4282    1850 16-Jul-98 +RequestChoice.a   source
    4337    1869 02-Sep-98 +RequestChoice2.a  source (read header)
    9833    2307 22-Feb-99 +RequestFile.a     source
   10489    2471 22-Feb-99 +RequestFile2.a    source (read header)
    3236    1246 02-Sep-98 +RequestModeID.a   source (read header)
    3769    1479 02-Sep-98 +RequestString.a   source (read header)
    2473    1299 02-Jun-99  ReadMe.First      (another!) READ IT! (or don't..?)
-------- ------- ---------
  123073   49013 02-Jun-99   48 files

Contents of util/cli/cliutils_mra.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  181     212  85.4% -lh5- 70cc Jun 17  1997 c/AskErr
[generic]                  233     312  74.7% -lh5- 3b7a Apr 11  1996 c/ColdReboot
[generic]                  712     984  72.4% -lh5- 4e82 Jun 17  1997 c/Device
[generic]                  532     756  70.4% -lh5- f5e1 Mar  7  1996 c/DFree
[generic]                  505     704  71.7% -lh5- 6943 Jun 17  1997 c/FreeX
[generic]                  170     172  98.8% -lh5- 1d97 Jun 17  1997 c/pwd
[generic]                  697    1108  62.9% -lh5- 14b7 Jul 21  1998 c/ReadDevice
[generic]                  315     412  76.5% -lh5- 7b8a Apr 11  1996 c/Reboot
[generic]                  395     448  88.2% -lh5- 220f Jul 20  1998 c/RequestChoice
[generic]                  695     996  69.8% -lh5- 6789 Oct 21  1998 c/RequestFile
[generic]                  364     428  85.0% -lh5- 5b08 Jul 23  1998 c/RequestModeID
[generic]                  471     568  82.9% -lh5- 10e5 Jul 20  1998 c/RequestString
[generic]                  589     748  78.7% -lh5- cc16 Jun 17  1997 c/XCom
[generic]                 1356    2088  64.9% -lh5- e128 Feb 22  1999 Commodities/MUFilter
[generic]                  459     778  59.0% -lh5- c38a Feb 23  1999 Docs/AAA_ReadMe.ReadMe
[generic]                  254     397  64.0% -lh5- c1d3 Feb 22  1999 Docs/AskErr.doc
[generic]                  291     447  65.1% -lh5- 9f8f Feb 22  1999 Docs/Device.doc
[generic]                  280     448  62.5% -lh5- 6730 Feb 23  1999 Docs/DFree.doc
[generic]                  314     521  60.3% -lh5- 0c32 Feb 22  1999 Docs/FreeX.doc
[generic]                  484     879  55.1% -lh5- b481 Feb 23  1999 Docs/MUFilter.doc
[generic]                  204     306  66.7% -lh5- 2f27 Feb 23  1999 Docs/pwd.doc
[generic]                  235     401  58.6% -lh5- bc15 Feb 22  1999 Docs/ReadDevice.doc
[generic]                  459     778  59.0% -lh5- c38a Feb 23  1999 Docs/ReadMe.ReadMe
[generic]                  231     379  60.9% -lh5- 394b Feb 23  1999 Docs/Reboot.doc
[generic]                  538     922  58.4% -lh5- 5c98 Feb 23  1999 Docs/RequestChoice.doc
[generic]                  304     515  59.0% -lh5- b6cf Feb 23  1999 Docs/RequestFile.doc
[generic]                  297     517  57.4% -lh5- 1ebc Feb 23  1999 Docs/RequestModeID.doc
[generic]                  296     499  59.3% -lh5- 914e Feb 23  1999 Docs/RequestString.doc
[generic]                 3202    8841  36.2% -lh5- 8bf3 Nov  6  1998 Docs/XCom.doc
[generic]                 3318    8276  40.1% -lh5- 3f92 Nov  6  1998 Docs/
[generic]                  609    1163  52.4% -lh5- c6a8 Jun 18  1997 Sources/AskErr.a
[generic]                 1787    4710  37.9% -lh5- 0f58 Feb 22  1999 Sources/Device.a
[generic]                 1734    4521  38.4% -lh5- 1c75 Jun 17  1997 Sources/DFree/DFree.a
[generic]                 1594    4352  36.6% -lh5- 666a Jun 17  1997 Sources/DFree/DFree2.a
[generic]                 1538    4227  36.4% -lh5- 8ba4 Jun 17  1997 Sources/FreeX.a
[generic]                 5057   15783  32.0% -lh5- 4a3e Feb 22  1999 Sources/MUFilter.a
[generic]                  561    1073  52.3% -lh5- 02a3 Jun 17  1997 Sources/pwd.a
[generic]                 1512    4313  35.1% -lh5- 26ba Sep  2  1998 Sources/ReadDevice.a
[generic]                  992    1969  50.4% -lh5- d2f8 Jun 17  1997 Sources/Reboot/ColdReboot.a
[generic]                 1221    2645  46.2% -lh5- 2a59 Jun 17  1997 Sources/Reboot/Reboot.a
[generic]                 1506    5058  29.8% -lh5- 07b7 Feb 22  1999 Sources/RequestChoice/Askq.a
[generic]                 1850    4282  43.2% -lh5- 1ec1 Jul 16  1998 Sources/RequestChoice/RequestChoice.a
[generic]                 1869    4337  43.1% -lh5- 0b08 Sep  2  1998 Sources/RequestChoice/RequestChoice2.a
[generic]                 2307    9833  23.5% -lh5- 0e54 Feb 22  1999 Sources/RequestFile/RequestFile.a
[generic]                 2471   10489  23.6% -lh5- 23aa Feb 22  1999 Sources/RequestFile/RequestFile2.a
[generic]                 1246    3236  38.5% -lh5- 1969 Sep  2  1998 Sources/RequestModeID.a
[generic]                 1479    3769  39.2% -lh5- 35dd Sep  2  1998 Sources/RequestString.a
[generic]                 1313    2482  52.9% -lh5- 6ab4 Jul  2  1999 ReadMe.First
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        48 files   49027  123082  39.8%            Jul  9  1999
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