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requires: Amiga (on 68k)
mui (I use 3.8. I don't know if some other versions will work)
(optional) Searchguide from Aminet if you want to use the search function (in case you are not registerted user of something else)
(optional) GuideCompil from Aminet is a nice proggy in which you can combine multiple guide files in one guide (not needed by adTOag)
Wow!! Is this a commercial ?? (No. I just want to mention two good easy to use proggys (they are worth a look))
purpose: I want to prog something with mui and was bored and pi.... .. looking at these AutoDocs cause I had no links in it.
So I looked around and found nothing. I personally don't like M....... So I won't buy their M.....HotHelp.
And then I decided to write a parser.
usage : Start it from shell without options or wb
Use pop-request for path where the *.doc files are (no subdirs)
Use pop-request for path and name of target (the .guide) file
Checkmark to decide if you want to use a search button
Then hit the parse button.
If you want to start the created guide from WB create an icon and enter in the tooltypes 'multiview'
Easy isn't it ??
future : autocreate of the needed icons and tooltypes
nice icons (any ideas? mail them to me)
maybe a small script to let all three proggys (mentioned above) work together
bugs : I tested it with MUIAutoDocs. Works fine for me.
Muimaster.doc is different than the others.
At the moment you should edit it and delete all newlines after the FF (formfeed)
(you can do this in 20 or 25 seconds)
(If you you feel like beta-testers, I feel sorry but I can't test every single link ;-)
--> If you find any bugs or if you have any ideas or if you find some docs which are not converted properly feel free to mail me.
new in v1.4: can start from WB (am I stupid?)
fixed it for some system docs. e.g. grafics.doc (thx for telling me Jean-François)
You think there is a standard ? Far away !
Contents of util/conv/adTOag.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 16766 33876 49.5% -lh5- aea1 Apr 29 2001 adTOag
[generic] 239 465 51.4% -lh5- a517 Apr 29 2001 adTOag.info
[generic] 1141 2313 49.3% -lh5- 64d8 Apr 29 2001 adTOag.readme
[generic] 311 575 54.1% -lh5- b663 Apr 29 2001 adTOag.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 18457 37229 49.6% May 1 2001
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