84783 packages online
util/dopus/D5XFilesTheme.lha |
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I n t r o d u c t i o n
This archive is contains a XFiles Theme designed for Directory Opus
Magellan II (GPSoftware) - designed for for 800x600x256.
I have also included three icons (NewIcons format) which will help you
to get that complete XFiles look.
R e q u i r e d S o f t w a r e
* Directory Opus Magellan II - by GPSoftware
R e c o m m e n d e d S o f t w a r e
* Aminet/util/wb/NewIcons4.1 - by Eric Sauvageau & Phil Vedovatti
I n s t a l l a t i o n
First off, it should be noted that the contents of this archive were
designed for an 800x600x256 display (however, you may adapt them to
suit your needs).
Simply unarchive the contents into DOpus5:Themes/ and place the
NewIcons (contained therein) wherever you wish.
D i s t r i b u t i o n
This XFiles Theme may be freely distributed provided no more than a
nominal fee (less than $2US) is charged. The related documentation,
icons, and any other files found within this archive may only be
reproduced or distributed as a complete and unmodified archive as
provided by the the author (Trevor Morris).
D i s c l a i m e r
XFiles Theme is freeware and is distributed "as is" without any
explicit or implicit warranties.
XFiles concept & characters are copyrighted and reserved by 20th
Century-Fox, Hollywood, California.
Furthermore, There is NO warranty for the software to the extent
permitted by applicable law. Except where otherwise stated in writing
the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the software "as is"
without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including,
but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality
and performance of the software is with YOU. Should the software prove
defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or
In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing
will any copyright holder, or any other party who may redistribute the
software as permitted below, be liable to you for damages, including
any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out
of the use or inability to use the software (including but not limited
to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained
by you or third parties or a failure of the software to operate with
any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been
advised of the possibility of such damages.
Problems? - email Trevor Morris (tmorris@fundy.net)
Contents of util/dopus/D5XFilesTheme.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 804 1561 51.5% -lh5- 16b7 Oct 12 1998 XFiles/Icons/RAM.info
[generic] 1032 2173 47.5% -lh5- 555c Oct 12 1998 XFiles/Icons/System.info
[generic] 927 2125 43.6% -lh5- 091c Oct 12 1998 XFiles/Icons/Work.info
[generic] 5597 8872 63.1% -lh5- ef79 Oct 11 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_Ice.snd
[generic] 8784 17116 51.3% -lh5- 49fd Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_OooBoy.snd
[generic] 15034 23300 64.5% -lh5- 5a10 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_ReopenXFiles.snd
[generic] 9907 14716 67.3% -lh5- 67c1 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_ShutDown.snd
[generic] 10984 17766 61.8% -lh5- cb59 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_SoftwareGlich.snd
[generic] 137939 159816 86.3% -lh5- dc93 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_Theme.snd
[generic] 42988 62312 69.0% -lh5- c642 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_TrailerA.snd
[generic] 63202 78120 80.9% -lh5- 6034 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_TrailerB.snd
[generic] 3824 4480 85.4% -lh5- 5168 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_Whoo!.snd
[generic] 6264 10038 62.4% -lh5- f84e Oct 11 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_Wind.snd
[generic] 22173 26762 82.9% -lh5- 006b Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_XFile.snd
[generic] 238987 285990 83.6% -lh5- 4956 Oct 18 1998 XFiles/Screens/XFilesSimpsons3.iff
[generic] 69356 94144 73.7% -lh5- 2cdd Oct 18 1998 XFiles/Screens/XFMovieBG.iff
[generic] 128052 167656 76.4% -lh5- f1d5 Oct 18 1998 XFiles/Screens/XFWallpaper.iff
[generic] 10801 16616 65.0% -lh5- ddf3 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_AgentMulder.snd
[generic] 10020 16278 61.6% -lh5- c3dc Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_AgentScully.snd
[generic] 7454 9966 74.8% -lh5- e8d6 Oct 12 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_Close.snd
[generic] 19490 26532 73.5% -lh5- ad92 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_DestroyEvidence.snd
[generic] 1700 2172 78.3% -lh5- 245d Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_MiscSound1.snd
[generic] 658 794 82.9% -lh5- 81cc Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_MiscSound2.snd
[generic] 30246 37064 81.6% -lh5- 1d90 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_Mulder!.snd
[generic] 5750 7956 72.3% -lh5- e784 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_NotNow.snd
[generic] 44452 57014 78.0% -lh5- 0d18 Oct 10 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_OhShi_.snd
[generic] 15068 20092 75.0% -lh5- 47bc Oct 12 1998 XFiles/Sounds/XF_Open.snd
[generic] 401 734 54.6% -lh5- f63d Oct 12 1998 D5XFilesTheme.readme
[generic] 917 3177 28.9% -lh5- 5c41 Oct 18 1998 XFiles.theme
[generic] 38682 40888 94.6% -lh5- 1e7d Oct 11 1998 XFiles/Patterns/Marble.iff
[generic] 9919 11824 83.9% -lh5- a2ec Oct 11 1998 XFiles/Patterns/Patch.iff
[generic] 196836 232656 84.6% -lh5- 54d0 Oct 18 1998 XFiles/Screens/XFiles11.iff
[generic] 308909 331414 93.2% -lh5- e9d8 Oct 18 1998 XFiles/Screens/XFiles12.iff
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 33 files 1467157 1792124 81.9% Dec 6 1998
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