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Short:Unicode code point/UTF-8 support lib
Author: joergloo at (Joerg van de Loo)
Uploader:joergloo aol com (Joerg van de Loo)
Download:util/libs/UniLibDev.lha - View contents

With  the  ongoing  progress in development of MorphOS and AmigaOS4, also in
order  to  treat  UTF-8  no  longer  as  stepchild, I do hope that they will
render this library useless (no, I'm not kidding).
That  means  that you should first check whether there is support in your OS
for  a  certain  task and only in case not, you should fallback on functions
provided by Uni library.

Uni  library is a support library for Unicode code points in range from 0 to
1'114'111  -  thus  not  limited to the Basic Multilingual Plane (range 0 to
You    may    determine    code    point    attributes    (UPPERCASE_LETTER,
LOWERCASE_LETTER,  TITLECASE_LETTER  etc.) as well as you are able to change
these   attributes  for  a  code  point  (mapping  the  code  point  to  its

Because  I  haven't  found  a shared library with support functions that can
cover  UTF-8  strings,  I've  built  them into Uni Library as well, like for
example: UTF8StrCmp().

Furthermore,  transcoding  of  strings  from  one format to an other is also
implemented, like through: UTF16ToUTF8().

Thus, it's a shared library for three tasks:
    Determining code point attributes / mapping code points.
    Handling of UTF-8 multibyte sequences.
    Transcoding strings.

The  enclosed documentation was drawn up in HTML - and I spent a lot of time
in  order  to  clarify  some  misleading terms, which are frequently used by
people,  who  do not fully understand for what Unicode and its related terms
stand  for.  Okay,  I'm  not  an  expert  myself,  however,  please read the
documentation  I  provided before you study the API of this library; it will
be your benefit.

Changes version 10 (release 7):
This  new  version of Uni library was upgraded in order to adopt the Unicode
Standard,  Version  10.0.0  character  encoding  scheme  as published by the
Unicode Consortium and so far as my limited implementation can support it.

Changed a lot of code in order to gain some speed while composing UTF-8 code
point values, which was necessary for plain 68000 CPUs.
Enclosed plain 68000 version of this library.

Five new functions:

UniCheckEncoding() might now return 0, i.e. a broken UTF-8 encoding
is encountered.

Changed header file (uni.h).
Updated C proto and clib files in order to reflect new functions.

UniCodeChart() supports now 327 code charts - and please see notes in
"uni.h" regarding buffer size.

Garbled UTF-8 sequences can be catched as valid UTF-8 code points via

Added kickstart v33 fallback functions in order to compile OS2+ only source
codes also for OS1.2+ (tools/ks33).

Version 8 and 9 never left my harddisk.

Version 6 and 7 could only obtained via my homepage.

Changes 5.20 to 5.21 (release 6):
Fixed a minor bug in UniCodeChart().

Changes 5.15 to 5.20 (release 5):
This  new  version of Uni library was upgraded in order to adopt the Unicode
Standard,  Version  5.2.0  character  encoding  scheme  as  published by the
Unicode Consortium and so far as my limited implementation can support it.

UniCodeChart()  supports  27  new  code charts and with that it supports 228
code charts in total.

Changes 5.14 to 5.15 (release 4):
It  may  happened  that  the  code point  128  wasn't  properly handled upon
transcoding - fixed.
Finally,  managed to create the AROS version by writing a tool (Weaver) that
creates  automatically  the  library  frame and all compiler needed files by
simply specifying a certain SFD file.

Changes 5.12 to 5.14 (release 3):
This  new  version of Uni library was upgraded in order to adopt the Unicode
Standard,  Version  5.1.0  character  encoding  scheme  as  published by the
Unicode Consortium and so far as my limited implementation can support it.

In  addition,  this  new  version  fixes  a  bug  which  surfaced  in case a
UTF-32/UTF-16  string was to be transcoded to UTF-8. The UTF-8 string buffer
had to be at least four bytes bigger than required (ouch...).

UniCodeChart()  supports  22  new  code charts and with that it supports 201
code charts in total.

Notes on transcoding singlebyte character encoding schemes:
I  did release an additional archive (UniSupport v1.1) that shall make it
easier  for  you  to transcode strings by utilizing IANA-IDs, which are also
used by the operating system's Locale library up from version 50 (MorphOS,
AmigaOS4, AROS).

The API provides these functions:

	Code Points Attribute Information




	UTF-8 String Information



UTF8NumCodePoints() (*NEW V10*)

	UTF-8 String Comparison / Modifiers


UTF8RepSeq() (*NEW V10*)
UTF8RepSeqArg() (*NEW V10*)

	Miscellaneous (Wide Char) String Functions







UTF8CodePoint() (*NEW V10*)
UTF8AnyCodePoint() (*NEW V10*)



Contents of util/libs/UniLibDev.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                  277     628  44.1% -lh5- 20e7 Jul 11  2008 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                18462   69776  26.5% -lh5- b45e Apr 29 12:32 UniLibDev/Amiga-m68k/os12/uni.library
[unknown]                18326   68720  26.7% -lh5- 88ae Apr 29 12:32 UniLibDev/Amiga-m68k/uni.library
[unknown]                  276     628  43.9% -lh5- 9d54 Jul 11  2008 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                24871   97352  25.5% -lh5- b3ab Apr 29 12:32 UniLibDev/Amiga-PPC/uni.library
[unknown]                  274     654  41.9% -lh5- c945 Oct  3  2008 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                18203   74276  24.5% -lh5- 5e6d Apr 29 12:36 UniLibDev/AROS/uni.library
[unknown]                  277     628  44.1% -lh5- 701e Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                  790    6345  12.5% -lh5- c5ef Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/doc/files/image/bg_big.png
[unknown]                 4080    4339  94.0% -lh5- 0b7f Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/doc/files/image/glyph-trans.png
[unknown]                 2079   11216  18.5% -lh5- e20e Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/LatinToUTF8.html
[unknown]                  938    6114  15.3% -lh5- 60e2 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniBomHasSize.html
[unknown]                 2321    9190  25.3% -lh5- 616d Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniCheckEncoding.html
[unknown]                 2103    9091  23.1% -lh5- ff75 Jul  8 23:41 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniCodeChart.html
[unknown]                  973    6115  15.9% -lh5- ae1c Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsAlpha.html
[unknown]                  966    6087  15.9% -lh5- a4a0 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsAttr.html
[unknown]                  944    6023  15.7% -lh5- ff7f Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsCon.html
[unknown]                  947    6032  15.7% -lh5- 947b Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsDigit.html
[unknown]                  988    6146  16.1% -lh5- 3209 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsLower.html
[unknown]                  943    6018  15.7% -lh5- 1125 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsNSM.html
[unknown]                 1008    6176  16.3% -lh5- 5b7e Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsPrint.html
[unknown]                  993    6185  16.1% -lh5- 35a7 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsPunct.html
[unknown]                  961    6078  15.8% -lh5- c5d9 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsSpace.html
[unknown]                  987    6146  16.1% -lh5- dc95 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsTitle.html
[unknown]                  988    6146  16.1% -lh5- f925 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniIsUpper.html
[unknown]                  930    6107  15.2% -lh5- ae37 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniResultIsSurrogate.html
[unknown]                 1402    7229  19.4% -lh5- 6097 Jan  9  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniSwitchEncoding.html
[unknown]                  957    6143  15.6% -lh5- a7f8 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniToLower.html
[unknown]                 1120    6477  17.3% -lh5- e580 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniToTitle.html
[unknown]                  951    6122  15.5% -lh5- aeb8 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UniToUpper.html
[unknown]                  944    6070  15.6% -lh5- a92e Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF16CharAsUTF8Len.html
[unknown]                  879    5983  14.7% -lh5- 0bcc Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF16StrLen.html
[unknown]                 1227    6796  18.1% -lh5- 8699 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF16ToUTF8.html
[unknown]                  900    6006  15.0% -lh5- 3008 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF32CharAsUTF8Len.html
[unknown]                  878    5986  14.7% -lh5- dff4 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF32StrLen.html
[unknown]                 1237    6811  18.2% -lh5- a56c Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF32ToUTF8.html
[unknown]                 1443    7423  19.4% -lh5- 2149 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8AnyCodePoint.html
[unknown]                 1119    7162  15.6% -lh5- febf Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8CharAtIndex.html
[unknown]                 1222    6741  18.1% -lh5- fee9 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8CodePoint.html
[unknown]                  909    5973  15.2% -lh5- bf6a Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8IsLegal.html
[unknown]                  937    6038  15.5% -lh5- 1425 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8LegalStart.html
[unknown]                  955    6060  15.8% -lh5- d25f Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8NextChar.html
[unknown]                 1088    6568  16.6% -lh5- 62fb Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8NumCodePoints.html
[unknown]                 1114    6487  17.2% -lh5- b3fc Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8PrevChar.html
[unknown]                 4154   21101  19.7% -lh5- c952 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8RepSeq.html
[unknown]                 1610    8211  19.6% -lh5- 2578 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8RepSeqArg.html
[unknown]                  977    6134  15.9% -lh5- 680f Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrCat.html
[unknown]                  911    6120  14.9% -lh5- 291a Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrCmp.html
[unknown]                  911    6125  14.9% -lh5- 618c Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrCmpI.html
[unknown]                 1153    6527  17.7% -lh5- df84 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrCpy.html
[unknown]                 1217    6771  18.0% -lh5- 7a56 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrFind.html
[unknown]                 1344    7552  17.8% -lh5- 19a1 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrInfo.html
[unknown]                  966    6241  15.5% -lh5- b1e8 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrLen.html
[unknown]                 3223   12948  24.9% -lh5- 2aba Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrMatch.html
[unknown]                 1009    6216  16.2% -lh5- c6ab Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrNCat.html
[unknown]                 1017    6387  15.9% -lh5- 4ced Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrNCmp.html
[unknown]                 1019    6392  15.9% -lh5- e48f Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrNCmpI.html
[unknown]                 1577    7773  20.3% -lh5- 627a Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrNCpy.html
[unknown]                 1017    6334  16.1% -lh5- 9c52 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrOfSize.html
[unknown]                 1916    8470  22.6% -lh5- 02d2 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrPaste.html
[unknown]                 1956    9946  19.7% -lh5- efce Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrReplace.html
[unknown]                 1107    6481  17.1% -lh5- e372 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrTerminate.html
[unknown]                 1658    9552  17.4% -lh5- 1fd6 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrToken.html
[unknown]                 1011    6370  15.9% -lh5- 21b2 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrToLower.html
[unknown]                 1188    6709  17.7% -lh5- 3bf2 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrToTitle.html
[unknown]                 1011    6370  15.9% -lh5- b5fe Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrToUpper.html
[unknown]                 1089    6460  16.9% -lh5- 14e9 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8StrVisibleLen.html
[unknown]                 3558   18641  19.1% -lh5- dfa1 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8ToLatin.html
[unknown]                 1377    7166  19.2% -lh5- 6b0a Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8ToUTF16.html
[unknown]                 1421    7242  19.6% -lh5- d829 Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8ToUTF16Char.html
[unknown]                 1386    7177  19.3% -lh5- bd6a Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8ToUTF32.html
[unknown]                 1309    6950  18.8% -lh5- 9cdd Jan  8  2011 UniLibDev/doc/files/UTF8ToUTF32Char.html
[unknown]                 2015    7239  27.8% -lh5- 0241 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/index.html
[unknown]                 2720    3387  80.3% -lh5- 1e78 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/
[unknown]                 1100    2280  48.2% -lh5- ced9 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/miscellaneous/casing.html
[unknown]                 1142    2476  46.1% -lh5- 793d Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/miscellaneous/copyright.html
[unknown]                 2172   10695  20.3% -lh5- 97df Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/miscellaneous/example.html
[unknown]                  977    1984  49.2% -lh5- 9428 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/miscellaneous/foreword.html
[unknown]                 1137    2207  51.5% -lh5- 2e5c Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/miscellaneous/forwhom.html
[unknown]                 1716    3670  46.8% -lh5- 9949 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/miscellaneous/idetails.html
[unknown]                 2340    5649  41.4% -lh5- 65ef Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/miscellaneous/light.html
[unknown]                 3990   13767  29.0% -lh5- 541f Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/doc/miscellaneous/terms.html
[unknown]                  273     654  41.7% -lh5- 82a3 Oct  3  2008 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                 1742    9110  19.1% -lh5- 860c Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/amigaos3/gg/os-include/inline/uni.h
[unknown]                  497    1546  32.1% -lh5- 81d1 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/include/amigaos3/gg/os-include/proto/uni.h
[unknown]                 2149   13680  15.7% -lh5- 4b89 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/amigaos3/vincludeos3/inline/uni_protos.h
[unknown]                  497    1546  32.1% -lh5- 81d1 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/include/amigaos3/vincludeos3/proto/uni.h
[unknown]                 1362    5283  25.8% -lh5- a7e0 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/amigaos4/inline4/uni.h
[unknown]                 1300    6606  19.7% -lh5- 50c0 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/amigaos4/interfaces/uni.h
[unknown]                 1468    9490  15.5% -lh5- 450a Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/aros/clib/uni_protos.h
[unknown]                 2328   20296  11.5% -lh5- ac9b Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/aros/defines/uni.h
[unknown]                 2499    6628  37.7% -lh5- 95f6 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/aros/libraries/uni.h
[unknown]                  261     458  57.0% -lh5- 769d Oct  3  2008 UniLibDev/include/aros/proto/uni.h
[unknown]                 1124    4038  27.8% -lh5- f689 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/clib/uni_protos.h
[unknown]                  942    5034  18.7% -lh5- 9ac8 Apr 25 18:04 UniLibDev/include/Install.txt
[unknown]                 2499    6628  37.7% -lh5- 95f6 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/libraries/uni.h
[unknown]                 1814   12473  14.5% -lh5- d262 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/morphos/gg/os-include/ppcinline/uni.h
[unknown]                  497    1546  32.1% -lh5- 81d1 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/include/morphos/gg/os-include/proto/uni.h
[unknown]                 2364   18669  12.7% -lh5- c27a Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/morphos/vincludemos/inline/uni_protos.h
[unknown]                  497    1546  32.1% -lh5- 81d1 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/include/morphos/vincludemos/proto/uni.h
[unknown]                 1362    7162  19.0% -lh5- 1c35 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/include/pragma/uni_lib.h
[unknown]                  497    1546  32.1% -lh5- 81d1 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/include/proto/uni.h
[unknown]                  282     628  44.9% -lh5- ca40 Jul 11  2008 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                21974   87324  25.2% -lh5- 885c Apr 29 12:32 UniLibDev/MorphOS/uni.library
[unknown]                 1246    2660  46.8% -lh5- 934f Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/README
[unknown]                 1810    2773  65.3% -lh5- b7e8 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                11887   58122  20.5% -lh5- 6c05 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/sample.txt
[unknown]                  811    1363  59.5% -lh5- aa04 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                  270     628  43.0% -lh5- 0ec3 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                 1507    5107  29.5% -lh5- 9c52 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/SFD/uni_lib.sfd
[unknown]                  901    1535  58.7% -lh5- e400 Apr 26 23:38 UniLibDev/SFD/
[unknown]                  272     654  41.6% -lh5- a66f Oct  3  2008 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                 4041   10619  38.1% -lh5- efc9 Jan  9  2011 UniLibDev/tools/Histogram.c
[unknown]                 1939    2466  78.6% -lh5- ecc6 Oct  3  2008 UniLibDev/tools/
[unknown]                  959    2011  47.7% -lh5- c2d3 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/tools/Histogram.html
[unknown]                 2717    3387  80.2% -lh5- 7c16 Oct  3  2008 UniLibDev/tools/
[unknown]                 5922    9928  59.6% -lh5- 54b0 Jan  9  2011 UniLibDev/tools/Histogram_68k
[unknown]                 4176    8904  46.9% -lh5- 0684 Jan 10  2011 UniLibDev/tools/Histogram_AROS
[unknown]                 6541   15204  43.0% -lh5- 2c3b Jan  9  2011 UniLibDev/tools/Histogram_MorphOS
[unknown]                 6609   15252  43.3% -lh5- 9958 Jan  9  2011 UniLibDev/tools/Histogram_OS4
[unknown]                  344     656  52.4% -lh5- 941e May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/allargs.project
[unknown]                  162     404  40.1% -lh5- 951f May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/all_args.asm
[unknown]                 1933    6566  29.4% -lh5- 25b6 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/arg.c
[unknown]                  698    1314  53.1% -lh5- 2004 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/clearbss.asm
[unknown]                  449     805  55.8% -lh5- 38e0 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/conout.asm
[unknown]                 1627    4492  36.2% -lh5- 45b3 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/conout.c
[unknown]                 1244    2577  48.3% -lh5- 57c4 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/dos.c
[unknown]                  987    2906  34.0% -lh5- cecd May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/dosfault.c
[unknown]                  729    1507  48.4% -lh5- ebb9 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/edemo.c
[unknown]                 1226    2444  50.2% -lh5- c438 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/ks33fallback.h
[unknown]                  447    1818  24.6% -lh5- 3211 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/
[unknown]                  290     594  48.8% -lh5- b4e9 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/
[unknown]                  104     129  80.6% -lh5- f839 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/
[unknown]                  476     821  58.0% -lh5- 6fd0 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/mem.c
[unknown]                 2068    4409  46.9% -lh5- d725 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/ra_invoker.asm
[unknown]                 5713   14638  39.0% -lh5- 749f May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/ReadArgs.c
[unknown]                 1486    2928  50.8% -lh5- 3760 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/ReadMe
[unknown]                 2112    4672  45.2% -lh5- f98a May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/startup.c
[unknown]                  232     665  34.9% -lh5- 43f1 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/vbcc/config/bcpl
[unknown]                  230     659  34.9% -lh5- d765 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/vbcc/config/kick13
[unknown]                 1124    4038  27.8% -lh5- f689 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/vbcc/targets/m68k-kick13/include/clib/uni_protos.h
[unknown]                 2150   13680  15.7% -lh5- eba7 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/vbcc/targets/m68k-kick13/include/inline/uni_protos.h
[unknown]                 2645    6933  38.2% -lh5- 4bd4 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/vbcc/targets/m68k-kick13/include/libraries/uni.h
[unknown]                  497    1546  32.1% -lh5- 81d1 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/vbcc/targets/m68k-kick13/include/proto/uni.h
[unknown]                 1036    1840  56.3% -lh5- d5a5 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/vbcc/targets/m68k-kick13/lib/bcpl_startup.o
[unknown]                 3886    7688  50.5% -lh5- 6ceb May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/vbcc/targets/m68k-kick13/lib/os12fb.lib
[unknown]                 3979    7932  50.2% -lh5- 47a8 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/ks33/vbcc/targets/m68k-kick13/lib/os12fbs.lib
[unknown]                12163   37445  32.5% -lh5- d39a May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/Transcoder.c
[unknown]                 1949    2466  79.0% -lh5- d5b5 May 21 22:52 UniLibDev/tools/
[unknown]                 2668    6976  38.2% -lh5- d8cb Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/tools/Transcoder.html
[unknown]                 2719    3387  80.3% -lh5- c50b Oct  3  2008 UniLibDev/tools/
[unknown]                 8307   16792  49.5% -lh5- 0b99 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/tools/Transcoder_68k
[unknown]                10998   26132  42.1% -lh5- 7bd2 Oct  3  2008 UniLibDev/tools/Transcoder_AROS
[unknown]                 3545   28531  12.4% -lh5- 9272 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/tools/Transcoder_data.c
[unknown]                 1941    2466  78.7% -lh5- 6b78 Oct  3  2008 UniLibDev/tools/
[unknown]                10107   24352  41.5% -lh5- e2ed Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/tools/Transcoder_MorphOS
[unknown]                10011   23036  43.5% -lh5- cc4f Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/tools/Transcoder_OS4
[unknown]                 9384   18140  51.7% -lh5- af0c Jul 11  2008 UniLibDev/UniTest
[unknown]                 6299   22722  27.7% -lh5- dfc8 Jul 11  2008 UniLibDev/UniTest.c
[unknown]                 1765    2283  77.3% -lh5- 459a Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                 1478    2389  61.9% -lh5- b1c1 Oct 12  2007 UniLibDev/
[unknown]                 7406   17648  42.0% -lh5- 2bee Oct  3  2008 UniLibDev/UniTest_AROS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total       162 files  414038 1525941  27.1%            Jul 28 21:42
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