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Short:Shared freetype2.library package
Author:"AmigaOS3 compile by Georg Steger" georg.steger at
Uploader:Andreas Falkenhahn <andreas airsoftsoftwair de>
Download:util/libs/freetype2_lib.lha - View contents

freetype2 for AmigaOS3

freetype2.library is the de facto standard for using true type fonts on MorphOS,
AROS, and AmigaOS4. MorphOS' and AROS' freetype2.library uses the same code. On
OS4 the library is called ft2.library and has been developed in isolation from
the AROS and MorphOS libraries. However, all three libraries use the freetype2
engine (
as the true type kernel.

freetype2.library is just a font engine for the bullet API defined by Commodore.
This means that all programs which can handle bullet API compatible font engines
are now also magically able to handle true type fonts. You can add and remove
fonts to the system by using the FTManager program which is also included in
this package.

This package comes with freetype2.library, FTManager, and some popular free
fonts from Bitstream (Vera Sans, Vera Serif, Vera Mono). These fonts also come
with AmigaOS4, MorphOS, and AROS so it is good to have them on your AmigaOS3
system too because they have become somewhat of a standard now. Not a standard
like topaz/8 but still. ;-)

For convenience's sake an installer has been included which will simply copy
freetype2.library to LIBS:, FTManager to Sys:System and the bonus fonts to

This version of freetype2.library is a port of the AROS freetype2.library. The
AmigaOS3 versions of freetype2.library and FTManager was compiled by Georg
Steger <>. This package and the installer were put
together by Andreas Falkenhahn <>.

Contents of util/libs/freetype2_lib.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                28475   49224  57.8% -lh5- 28ae Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/truetype/VeraMono.ttf
[generic]                27932   49052  56.9% -lh5- 1c13 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/truetype/VeraMonoBold.ttf
[generic]                40296   65932  61.1% -lh5- 0807 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/truetype/VeraSans.ttf
[generic]               141811  246592  57.5% -lh5- 922e Nov 20  2005 freetype2/Libs/freetype2.library
[generic]                15113   31344  48.2% -lh5- 1e87 Nov 29  2005 freetype2/System/FTManager
[generic]                  394     831  47.4% -lh5- c12b Jun 14  2003 freetype2/System/
[generic]                31264   55032  56.8% -lh5- 7492 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/truetype/VeraMonoBoldItalic.ttf
[generic]                31399   54508  57.6% -lh5- 378a Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/truetype/VeraMonoItalic.ttf
[generic]                37179   58716  63.3% -lh5- ca47 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/truetype/VeraSansBold.ttf
[generic]                38912   63208  61.6% -lh5- b96a Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/truetype/VeraSansBoldItalic.ttf
[generic]                 2645    5954  44.4% -lh5- 2ad0 Mar 30  2005 freetype2/Fonts/COPYRIGHT
[generic]                39485   63684  62.0% -lh5- a027 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/truetype/VeraSansItalic.ttf
[generic]                38269   60280  63.5% -lh5- 9393 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/truetype/VeraSerif.ttf
[generic]                37219   58736  63.4% -lh5- 9189 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/truetype/VeraSerifBold.ttf
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 14f3 Mar 30  2005 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Mono.font
[generic]                  357    1246  28.7% -lh5- f2cf Mar 30  2005 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Mono.otag
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 14f3 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Mono Bold Italic.font
[generic]                  366    1256  29.1% -lh5- cf60 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Mono Bold Italic.otag
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 14f3 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Mono Bold.font
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 14f3 Nov  1  2005 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Sans.font
[generic]                  348    1242  28.0% -lh5- 282e Nov  1  2005 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Sans.otag
[generic]                  356    1250  28.5% -lh5- b54e Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Mono Bold.otag
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 14f3 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Mono Italic.font
[generic]                  359    1252  28.7% -lh5- a591 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Mono Italic.otag
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 14f3 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Sans Bold Italic.font
[generic]                  361    1252  28.8% -lh5- fbbd Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Sans Bold Italic.otag
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 14f3 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Sans Bold.font
[generic]                  353    1246  28.3% -lh5- c724 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Sans Bold.otag
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 14f3 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Sans Italic.font
[generic]                  353    1248  28.3% -lh5- a04f Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Sans Italic.otag
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 14f3 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Serif Bold.font
[generic]                 1852    2762  67.1% -lh5- cf12 Mar 23 17:35
[generic]                  357    1248  28.6% -lh5- 0614 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Serif Bold.otag
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 14f3 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Serif.font
[generic]                  350    1244  28.1% -lh5- aa27 Mar  4 06:54 freetype2/Fonts/Vera Serif.otag
[generic]                  402     958  42.0% -lh5- 9672 Mar 23 17:36 freetype2/Install
[generic]                  302     538  56.1% -lh5- 29b4 Mar 23 17:35 freetype2/
[generic]                  730    1543  47.3% -lh5- fac7 Mar 23 17:48 freetype2/ReadMe
[generic]                  312     836  37.3% -lh5- 5f53 Mar 23 17:35 freetype2/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        39 files  517591  882254  58.7%            Mar 24 11:39
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