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Short:Shows sorted & text-formatted dir list.
Author:Marko K. Seppänen
Uploader:Marko K. Seppänen <marko seppanen gmail com>
Requires:locale.library V48+ or DOS V50.36+ if locale not available
Download:util/shell/ShowFiles.lha - View contents

ShowFiles (sf) - 0.971

DIR/LIST command - displays a sorted and text-formatted list.

ShowFiles (sf) is yet another DIR command (written in C).  It displays a sorted
and text-formatted list of files, drawers (dirs) and soft/hard-links on disk or
other storage medium. It will also display their additional information such as
size,  date,  possible comment,  executable  header type  (68k or PPC program),
protection-bits, etc, etc.

It supports  a number of different option/switch formats  (Amiga like switches,
Unix/Linux style  and DOS/Windows style).  It also supports  wildcards/pattern-
matching and Amiga templates.
  After installation, in the Shell,  please type "sf HELP" (or "sf --help") for
listing all options/switches. Or look in the .doc-file in the archive.

- Abbreviated as SF or just sf, fast and easy to type in the shell.
- Dirs/drawers are displayed in blue color (pen 3).
- Hard/Softlinks are displayed underscored (underlined).
- Shows where any Hard/Softlinks points to.
- Possible comments are displayed in italic.
- Displays the "primitive" file type of files.
- Fetches and identifies executable headers. 68k, PPC (ELF), EXE, among others.
- Displays the Amiga file protection bits of files.
- Shows free disk space and sizes in KiB (1024), kB (1000) and bytes.
- Options SIZE and TIME, for sorting by size and time/date.
- Option REVERSE, for reversing the output list.
- Options (FILES, DIRS & LINKS) for displaying only files, dirs or links. Or
  intermix them.
- Option 68K, for only listing m680x0 (68k) executables (AmigaOS 3.x).
- Option PPC, for only listing PowerPC (PPC) executables (ELF headers).
- Option ALL, for showing all files and dirs in directories and subdirs.
- Option to "trail" files with an initial character ('/', '*' or (at)-char).
- Possibility to specify a path to display.
- Supports wildcards/pattern-matching.
- Option BARE, for listing without heading/summary information.
- Shows OwnerUID, OwnerGID, UseCount and ObjectID (as reported by DOS).
- Supports the ? switch, for showing the Template.
- Supports multiple formats of options/switches (f.ex: TIME --time -t /T).
- Supports automatic updates through AmiUpdate.
- Written (in C) and developed on Amiga, for Amiga and Amigans.

Special notes for this release
- NOTE: No footer info implemented yet when pattern matching..
- All one-single-letter options such as a, -m, /P are now case
  sensitive, where as non-single-letter options are not. Reason for this
  is because available free letters are becomming scarce for more options.
- For the manual (info and details), see the .doc-file in the archive.
- For the latest cahanges/updates, look in the Changes-section in the manual...

Displaying dir-listings
There are 3 main OUTPUT VIEWS for displaying dir-listings, typing the
following (without the "1>" string):

1> sf
= displays all the files in current dir with the *DEFAULT* view.

1> sf MORE
1> sf -m
= displays a list with more specific information including what exe type a file
is (PPC (ELF), 68k, exe etc.)

1> sf -c
= displays an even more clarified list of specific information.

More examples
Options can be written in any of the four different types. For example MORE,
--MORE, -m, /m, more and --more, are all the same option.
However, one single letter options such as m, -p, P, /H, etc are case-
sensitive, non-single letter options are not.

1> sf 68K
1> sf -6
= lists only 68K executables.

1> sf TIME
1> sf -t
= sorts by time/date (oldest first).

1> sf -t -r
= sorts by time/date (newest/latest first).

1> sf DIRS
1> sf -d
= displays only drawers (dirs).

1> sf -s -r
= displays a list of files sorted by size, the biggest at the top.

1> sf ALL
1> sf -a
= displays all files and dirs in a directory and its sub-directories.

1> sf sobjs: -l -c
= displays only links in the dir/assignment called sobjs:

1> sf HELP
1> sf --help
1> sf -?
1> sf /?
= displays the help with a list of all switches/commands.

1> sf sf ram:t/n#?
= displays all files and dirs in RAM:T starting with character n.

- No footer info implemented yet when pattern matching.
- When fetching for exe-files (using MORE or CLARIFY option, sf doesn't
(yet) recognize the architecture for MacOS files, it does only recognize
if it's an exe-file (for what ever architecture) or not.)

Just run the file ShowFiles.Install, 
* Copy the file ShowFiles to your C:
* Type the following and hit enter:
  C:MakeLink C:sf C:ShowFiles SOFT FORCE
* Copy the documentation to SYS:Documentation/C/ 
* Done!

Requires locale.library V48+ or DOS V50.36+ if locale not available.

Milestones and major events
2015 Jul, version 0.970
  - Pattern matching implemented.
2014 Feb, version 0.943
  - A rare bug with option ALL (recursive dirs) found and tested on 
    A1-X1000, Sam460ex and Sam440ep-flex. Bug caused by a compiler switch.
2013 Dec, version 0.923
  - All major/minor typos, quirks and bugs resolved in all scripts
    (AutoInstall, Install and UnInstall scripts).
2012 Nov, version 0.8
  - Renamed to ShowFiles (SF/sf) from DF (DisplayFiles).
2011 Feb, version Beta 5, (0.5)
  - AmiUpdate implemetation completed and fully working autoinstall.
2011 Feb, version Beta 2
  - Dynamic memory allocation for storing file meta data (dir listing handling),
    no more "max limit of 1000 files".
2011 Jan, version Alpha 1
  - First public release.

Version 0.971: (Jul 2015)
  - Fixed bug, pattern matching in current dir failed.
Version 0.970: (Jul 2015)
  - Pattern matching implemented.
  - Fixed bug, header background-color sometimes smearing to next line.
  - Fixed issue with template and option/command-info-format, a few working
    commands/options were missing in the printed output.
  - Fixed APP-string/name, leftover garbage ("DEBUG") removed from the string.
  - Included output of the EXTVER-tag to the version/help output.
Version 0.960: (Sep 2014)
  - Added ? switch for showing the Template, suggested by JosDuchIt.
  - Added BARE option, for using bare format (no heading/summary information).
  - Safety improved, added more checks concerning memory (just to be sure).
    (Sentinels placed around memory allocations, about 20 in total.)
  - Corrected information in the HELP option.
  - Typos fixed in the Options-section and in the Readme file.
  - Added Format-info and Template-info to documentation.
  - Added small hidden message to binary (only #JustForFun, ~60 chars).
  - Added Milestones-section to documentation.
Version 0.950: (Jun 2014)
  - Added REALDATE command, shows Date in international format (yyyy-mm-dd),
    suggested by JosDuchIt.
  - Added DATEFIRST command, Date (and Time) column is as first column, sort
    of suggested by JosDuchIt.
  - Bugfix/change: The few first protectionbits are seen now again in MORE
    view. This was little "too much of a feature" that looked broken.
  - Bugfix/change: The three first columns in the DEFAULT view removed, yes
    those should not be seen, please use option MORE instead to see those
    as well.
  - Added Extversion (EXTVER) tag/cookie.
  - Minor fixes in readme, among other small fixes.
Version 0.943: (Feb 2014)
  - Bugfixed option ALL. This exact compile was *VERIFIED* thanks to
    Guillaume Boesel (zzd10h) on his A1-X1000 and Joel Edberg (Joeled) on his
    Sam460ex, and also tested on author's Sam440ep-flex. The bug was due to a
    compiler optimization switch.
Version 0.942: (Feb 2014)
  - Bugfixed option ALL. (Edit: No bummer, still something fishy, sorry.)
Version 0.942d1: (Feb 2014)
  - Debug-version for option ALL. (Thanks for testing Guillaume Boesel (zzd10h)
    on AmigaOne X1000 and Joel Edberg (Joeled) for testing on Sam460ex. Also
    runs fine on my (the author's) Sam440ep-flex with AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6.)
Version 0.941: (Jan 2014)
  - AmiUpdate fix, AutoInstall file included again, it did escape for some
    mysterious reason ( ;) ) in the last archive. (Thanks zzd10h)
  - Option for showing the manual has been removed (since it's ever growing)
    and at least 10 KiB (20%) has been shaved off the ShowFiles executable. See
    the .doc file instead in the archive or SYS:Documentation/C/ShowFiles.doc.
  - Fixes in readme/documentation, some last minute typos did crawl into the
    last upload.
Version 0.940: (Jan 2014)
  - Bugfix for DSI crash in option ALL, reported by Guillaume Boesel (zzd10h),
    resulting in a total rewrite of the ALL-option specific part.
  - Fixed bug, row-break/new-line issue in the footer.
  - Much improved error handling and stability with more graceful exit.
  - In addition to above, fixed/updated several error-messages, numbered them
    as well for referencing purpose.
  - Added 68K, --68k, -6 and /6 option(s) for only listing all 68k executables.
  - Added PPC, --ppc, -P and /P option(s) for only listing all PPC (ELF)
  - CHANGE: All one single letter options such as a, -m, /? are now case
    sensitive, where as non-single-letter options are not. This is because
    available free letters for more options are becomming scarce.
  - Changed single letter option h to ? (because of above reason).
  - Added get_verstag function for returning the VERSTAG.
  - Comments in output are now in italic black on grey for better visibility.
  - Output header now in bold on grey for better visibility.
  - Output footer now in italic for better visibility.
  - Dirs in output are now also in bold for better visibility.
  - Other minor bugfixes and further fixes and typos in readme/documentation.
Version 0.930: (Jan 2014)
  - ALL option added, for displaying all subdirectories and their items.
  - File installation structure changed, no dir with extra files copied to C:
    or anywhere else anymore.
  - Changed so "PPC" is shown rather than "elf" in dir listings.
  - Compiled with the latest updated SDK (version 53.24).
  - Typos and minor fixes in readme/documentation.

    (See the doc/manual for more information.)

Thank You
Thank you to everyone giving help, feedback, bug/error-reports and suggestions.

This software is freeware.

Feel free to make a donation by using PayPal:
marko . seppanen // g m a i l. com (without spaces)

Marko K. Seppänen


Contents of util/shell/ShowFiles.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                  233     430  54.2% -lh5- ae4a Jul 13 19:13 AutoInstall
[unknown]                19382   57548  33.7% -lh5- 17df Jul 13 19:13 ShowFiles/ShowFiles
[unknown]                 8616   21708  39.7% -lh5- d183 Jul 13 19:13 ShowFiles/ShowFiles.doc
[unknown]                  187     256  73.0% -lh5- b492 Jul 13 19:13 ShowFiles/ShowFiles.Install
[unknown]                 4338   10365  41.9% -lh5- a2c0 Jul 13 19:13 ShowFiles/ShowFiles.readme
[unknown]                  325     621  52.3% -lh5- 2514 Jul 13 19:13 ShowFiles/ShowFiles.Uninstall
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total         6 files   33081   90928  36.4%            Sep  7 21:01
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