Short:        Colorful image of the sky w/ sun and reflections
Author:       Andreas Frank <>
Uploader:     Andreas Frank <afrank mailserv rz fh-muenchen de>
Type:         pix/boot
Architecture: generic

Kurz      Farbenfrohes Bild des Himmels mit Sonne und Reflexionen

This is a photo I have taken on 11-Aug-1999, when there was a total eclipse
in Munich, Germany. Although you don't see anything about an eclipse on this
photo, it looks very nice since there are very colourful lense reflections.
It just looks great as workbench backdrop. Feel free to scale the image to fit
your screen resolution.

Size:   1280x1024
Depth:  24bit
Format: JPEG

You may use and distribute it for free, but DON'T MODIFY it.
Visit my homepage and sign my guest book at:

Andreas Frank