Short: A MWB *GAMES* Icon Collection (Vol. 3) Author: (Andreas Kuerzinger) Uploader: akuerzin htwm de (Andreas Kuerzinger) Type: pix/mwb Replaces: akiconz.lha Architecture: generic Welcome to AKIconz 3! Here we go again with lotsa new and some improved iconz for ya games. Again there are some for ya apps too (... but much less than in AKIconz 1 and 2 - ya prefered the games iconz anyway). Unlike the previous this collection mostly contains iconz I made by request, not ones I use myself. In addition to my iconz the "Bonus" drawer contains some more nice game iconz that are not from me but which I was asked to release with this collection (look in the tooltypes for info about their author). The "Bonus2" drawer contains some iconz that are also NOT from me (although I changed some of them a little bit for better look...), but which are really nice game iconz from different collections. I wanted to put them with in this collection because some people asked me for iconz for games which I don't want/have to make, because they even exist! This collection is Mailware; if you like it send me an e-mail, please. If you want to improve the iconz or use them for another collection, please put them back to AmiNet again and also sent me an e-mail (that I know what to download ... ;-) If you want to put this collection on a coverdisk/CD-ROM of an Amiga mag, send me a free copy of this mag, please (if AKIconz 1+2 even were on such, maybe you can send me a copy of these as well; CDROM prefered). ___ __ __ / \| / ) Andreas Kuerzinger / \ ( \__Y__/__\__) A12oo,o3o/882-5o,16+2MB,1.2GB,4xCD