Short: PNG Icons Author: Nouvel Hugues HunoPPC ( Uploader: Nouvel Hugues HunoPPC <nouvel hugues wanadoo fr> Type: pix/picon Version: 1.0 Requires: PNG icons support (Scalos,Ambient,AmigaOS3.x/4.x with PowerIcons,...) Architecture: generic Distribution: Aminet 19 Fevrier 2006 Simple Icon PNG 32x32 exported of the PC world for your pleasure ;o) EMAILWARE ---------- A small Mail of your part will be sufficient me ;o). Special Thanks is going to: --------------------------- Hyperion Entertainment - For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 Eyetech Ltd. - For the new G3/G4 (and the future G5 ???) Amiga PPC platform Elena Novaretti - For PowerIcons Massimo Tantignone - AmigaOS4 porting of PowerIcons Enjoy! Hugues Nouvel (Amiga Rulez) <>