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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
2001_icons.lha pix/picon 5884 390K 2006-02-25 generic icon '2001 a Space Odyssey' a PNG iconset. - (readme)
2CVicons.lha pix/picon 5555 642K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
AB-PowerIcons_2.lha pix/picon 6711 984K 2007-10-10 generic icon PNG Icons - (readme)
AB-PowerIcons_Return.lha pix/picon 5975 231K 2007-07-15 generic icon Icons. powericons support - (readme)
AB_X-Mas_2007.lha pix/picon 5798 1.1M 2007-12-25 generic icon Icons PowerIcons - (readme)
AideMemoire.lha pix/picon 5248 43K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
AlpyreIcons1.lha 1.0 pix/picon 6557 952K 2009-09-07 generic icon Ken's Icons v4 Style 32bit PNG Icons - (readme)
AlpyreIcons2.lha 2.0 pix/picon 6244 3.1M 2009-11-06 generic icon Ken's Icons v4 Style 32bit PNG Icons (2) - (readme)
aluminium.lha 1.0 pix/picon 5796 997K 2006-03-13 generic icon 'Aluminium Folders Lite' a PNG iconset. - (readme)
AMF-AnimalPNGIcons.lha (28.04.2006) pix/picon 5609 29K 2006-04-25 generic icon PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch - (readme)
AMF-EfikaIcons.lha (24.07.2007) pix/picon 5713 67K 2007-07-25 generic icon PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch - (readme)
AMF-Enemies.lha (28.04.2006) pix/picon 5608 35K 2006-04-25 generic icon PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch - (readme)
AMF-FairiesIcons.lha (10.12.2006) pix/picon 5811 92K 2006-12-17 generic icon PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch - (readme)
AMF-MixIcons.lha 29.10.2006 pix/picon 6036 320K 2006-10-30 generic icon PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch - (readme)
AMF-MixPNGIcons.lha (21.03.2007) pix/picon 6442 477K 2008-03-23 generic icon PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch - (readme)
AMF-ModelPNGIcons.lha (22.03.2008) pix/picon 6333 527K 2008-03-23 generic icon PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch - (readme)
ami-crystal.lha 1.1 pix/picon 5386 403K 2005-06-10 generic icon PNG-Icon replacement package for the WB! - (readme)
animauls.lha pix/picon 4884 213K 2006-02-25 generic icon 'Animauls' a PNG iconset. (128x128) - (readme)
AnimSeries.lha pix/picon 4292 520K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
AOS-GamesIcons.lha 12-04-2015 pix/picon 4286 2.3M 2015-04-11 generic icon GamesIcons, AmigaOS 4.1 Style Icons ... - (readme)
Apercu.lha pix/picon 4374 267K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
aquastars.lha pix/picon 4598 372K 2006-03-01 generic icon 'AquaStars' a PNG iconset. (128x128, 64x64, 48x48) - (readme)
aros-demos-icons.lha 1.0 pix/picon 4433 158K 2006-08-27 generic icon Aros-Demos Icons - (readme)
Aventure.lha pix/picon 4366 226K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
BAL.lha pix/picon 4464 48K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
BDclassiques.lha pix/picon 3049 245K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
BenjamenRabier.lha pix/picon 2265 126K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
Bidochon.lha pix/picon 2344 91K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
bindle_wt.lha pix/picon 4605 162K 2006-03-04 generic icon 'Bindle Will Travel' a PNG iconset. (128, 64). - (readme)
bor_pngicons.lha pix/picon 4492 335K 2005-07-20 generic icon Beats Of Rage Icon Pack (For All MODS) - (readme)
cardmipng.lha 1 pix/picon 4578 10K 2005-02-18 generic icon PNGIcons for Memory Cards - (readme)
CartesPostales.lha pix/picon 2234 94K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
Chanteurs.lha pix/picon 2351 145K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
Charentaise.lha pix/picon 2303 81K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
ChatEpinal.lha pix/picon 2321 48K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
cheesefolders.lha pix/picon 4529 105K 2006-02-25 generic icon 'Cheese Folders' a PNG iconset. (128x128, 64x64) - (readme)
chocolatefolders.lha pix/picon 4414 154K 2006-02-25 generic icon 'Chocolate Folders' a PNG iconset (128x128, 64x64) - (readme)
Cinoche01.lha pix/picon 2317 143K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
Classic_WB_Icons_UP1.15.lha 1.15 Freeware pix/picon 5033 23M 2012-02-10 generic icon Classic WB PNG icon set - (readme)
Cl_WB_Drawer_V2.0.lha pix/picon 5309 34M 2012-05-30 generic icon PNG Icons for Amiga OS - (readme)
cowmilk.lha pix/picon 4495 102K 2006-02-25 generic icon 'CowMilk' a PNG iconset. (128x128, 64x64) - (readme)
Crayon.lha pix/picon 2363 40K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
crystal_clear.lha 1.0 pix/picon 4736 4.7M 2006-03-06 generic icon 'Crystal Clear' a Sys Rep. Icon Set with Installer - (readme)
crystal_clear2.lha 1.0 pix/picon 4675 3.3M 2006-03-07 generic icon 'Crystal Clear' Sys Icons with Installer (46x46) - (readme)
def_r0ms.lha pix/picon 4649 16K 2006-06-20 generic icon PNG def_icons for Vice and several roms - (readme) 1.0 pix/picon 322 48M 2024-10-04 generic icon 146 Dual-PNG icons for 59 games - (readme)
demoicons.lha pix/picon 4553 276K 2005-08-12 generic icon PNG Icons Pack For AOD + TheDemoEffectsCollection - (readme)
digital_video.lha pix/picon 4537 235K 2006-02-25 generic icon 'Digital Video' a PNG iconset. (128x128, 64x64) - (readme)
DossierFrench.lha pix/picon 2270 88K 2003-06-15 generic icon This is a conversion of MacOSX icons for Morphos - (readme)
Drawer-Icons-Otti.lha 2.0 pix/picon 5831 2.7M 2008-01-02 generic icon Drawer/Disk Icons, PNG MOS Format (Otti) - (readme)
Found 154 matching packages
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