Short:        Extra textures for Birdie
Author: (Kimme Utsi)
Uploader:     kimme arcticnet no (Kimme Utsi)
Type:         pix/textu
Architecture: generic

These are some extra textures i have grabbed from different web sites with
free textures. To use these textures with Birdie, you need to visit and download this fine program. To use some of
these textures with birdie you just need to add the filenames you want to
use in the Startup-Sequence/S:User-Startup as it states in the Birdie.doc.

I have added my Birdie textures like this...

(Cut from S:Startup-Sequence as the last line before C:LoadWB)
Run <>NIL: C:Birdie NOICONBORDER FLOODMASKMWB `getenv Birdie.prefs`

This way the MWB icons doesn't get scrambled and the NewIcons gets loaded
to fast mem(I said that Birdie was cool :))

In ENVARC:Birdie.prefs you add the picture filenames with path like this...

(Cut from ENVARC:Birdie.prefs)
PATTERNS=Birdie:001.jpg Birdie:002.jpg (And so forth, remember the FULL
PATH and an space)

ps. If you use CBM's old Ed as your text editor, remember that Ed cuts the
long lines so you can't add that many textures with Ed.

    Kimme Utsi, , 26-Apr-98 14:20:08
      Using a4000, CyberStorm 060, CyberVision 64 and Thor 2.5a
		/nick boundless on Undernet, #AmigaCafe

"Windows 95: n. 32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16-bit
 patch to an 8-bit OS originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor,
 written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition."