Short:        2 Screengrabs of my CyberGFX Workbench 1024x768x8bit
Author: (Michael Büning)
Uploader:     michel amistation cologne de (Michael Büning)
Type:         pix/wb
Architecture: generic

These are two screengrabs of my Cybergraphx 1024x768 256 colors Workbench using SysiHack (Very nice
indeed !), Toolmanager (Thanks for it anyway!) and MultiCX (Just great, especially the opaque window
 move & size feature!). The WB background is a Mac desktop texture.

Listing of archive 'Ram Disk:AmistationWB.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
  195263  195263  0.0% 21-Oct-96 04:24:16  AmistationWB.jpeg
     412     264 35.9% 21-Oct-96 04:42:02  AmistationWB.readme
  241494  204958 15.1% 21-Oct-96 03:52:30  NetworkWB.jpeg
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  437169  400485  8.3% 21-Oct-96 04:43:24   3 files


                              Michael Buening
using        /// AMIGA 3000/040/25, 10 MB, Cybervision64
        __  ///   Powered by Motorola. (No Intel Inside, NO!)
        \\\///   Multitasking since 1985.
         \XX/   Fearuring: AmigaOS * MacOS * NetBSD