Short:        E-uae running on a PowerMac G5
Author: (Gobgobgob)
Uploader:     gobwester yahoo com (Gobgobgob)
Type:         pix/wb
Version:      1.0
Architecture: generic

My E-UAE workbench 3.9 running on MacosX on a PowerMac G5 2x2 GHz.

Don't be fooled, The compatibility of this system is good, the scsi emulation and the bsdsocket library
are working without problems, but the emulation is relatively slow (like a 68030/50MHz), even on this beast.
The lack of an UAE Jit on PPC explain that.
Anyway many many thanks to Richard Drummond for his hard work.

-E-UAE 0.8.27 (final) for OS X

-PowerMac G5 2x2GHz / 2,2Go DDR SDRAM / GeForce 5200/64Mo / MacOSX 10.3.9 (Panther)

-Emulated Amiga - AmigaOS 3.9 - 2Mo Chip ram / 72Mo Fast Ram - Kickstart 40.70

-Picasso Emulation / Scsi Emulation

-RDB hardfiles formatted with SFS 1.236

Thanks to :

-Richard Drummond for E-uae

-Daniel Pimlay for HI-TORO, the Aqua Gui

.......and Richard Kapp for his great wallpapers ;-)