Short:        Stone-D's Workbench....
Author: (L M Hale)
Uploader:     stone-d eldar demon co uk (L M Hale)
Type:         pix/wb
Architecture: generic

Long :

Erm... My WB runs Dopus 5, is in Hires mode, 8 colours. What else is
there to say???

ReGaRdZ,  Stone-D

A big fat HIYA to the following on #amiga IRC channel
in no particular order :

          PsychOEd            NancyY
          ASW                 sidewind
          Josef               JKay
          DrX                 DR_pHuQt
          Lauraaa             Ashiq
          Alien8              jcompton
          Worms               Falco
          Muraii              Wizird

And anyone else I've forgotten.  :)