Short:        WB Picture using the new IFF RGFX format
Author: (Kimme Utsi)
Uploader:     astegema ix urz uni-heidelberg de (Achim Stegemann)
Type:         pix/wb
Requires:     OS 3.0, MC68020, IFF-RGFX Datatype, NUKE XPK library
Architecture: generic

This Workbench screenshot is supporting the new IFF RGFX standard suggested
by Andreas Kleinert and is packed with the XPK NUKE library.

The IFF RGFX Datatype is available in util/dtype/rgfx_dt.lha


Short:    Datatype for the new IFF-RGFX-Format (V43.0)
Author: (Achim Stegemann)
Uploader: (Achim Stegemann)
Type:     util/dtype

Version:  43.0

Requires: OS 3.x
	  MC68020 or better

Additionally recommended:
 * xpkmaster.library V2.x or better for Xpk compression.
 * CyberGraphX with picture.datatype V43.x for 24-bit images.

If you use this datatype under non-CyberGraphX system, 24-bit
images are currently refused.

With the help of the rgfx.datatype, your datatype sytem is able to read images
coded in the new IFF-RGFX-Format created by Andreas Kleinert.

This archive is Freeware !
Do with it what you want, as long as you do not remove any files from this archive !

This archive also contains the utility 'DT2RGFX'. This converts a datatype picture
to the new IFF-RGFX-Format !

Source code in C and ASM of both programs is included !!

Image size: 800*600*24
Saving in RGB24 mode.
Using Xpk packer NUKE.
Writing IFF-RGFX file ...
Conversion finished.

Copyright (C) 1997 by Kimme Utsi (ATO Norge).
      All rights reserved.

    Kimme Utsi,   10-Dec-97 20:36:56
      Using a4000, CyberStorm 060, CyberVision 64 and Thor 2.5a
		/nick boundless on Undernet, #AmigaCafe

"Amiga makes IT possible, Mac makes it expensive
 and Win95 just makes Bill Gates rich...."