Short:        Screenshots of my Workbench while running several inet-servers
Author: (Andre Naumann)
Uploader:     anubis bhv ipnet de (Andre Naumann)
Type:         pix/wb
Architecture: generic

So this is my WB... Not really THAT special, but quite comfortable
with me.

Here are the specs:


      Amiga 4000/030       68ec030/68881 @ 33MHz, 2/16MB
      CyberVision64/3D     4MB
      260MB Seagate HD
      8x Mitsumi CD-ROM
      VLab video digitizer


      Workbench 3.0 (Kick 39.106, WB 39.29)

      Startmenu 2

      MagicMenu ?

      Well, and the usual kind of stuff like MCP and so on...
      Let's continue with some more special software:

      Miami 3.1

      AmiTCP 4.0 demo(this one supports Multiuser-Filesystem :))

      Multiuser-Filesystem 1.8

      Apache httpd 1.3b5 (recompiled by myself to have agent_log and cgi_log)

      wu-ftpd 2.4        (AmiNet-version, because the academ-betas mess around
			  with the stdio and stdlin functions and I have no
			  time to fix that right now)

      ircd 2.8.21        (AmiNet-version; My own port of 2.9.5 still needs some debugging)

      inetutils-smtpd    (SMail just doesn't work on my computer without installing
			  AmigaUUCP, so I use this and added SOME UUCP-stuff :))

      AmigaSMail 3.29    (Unix-Sendmail won't compile on my computer and I don't have
			  the time to do a port)

      pop3d-R6           (My own "port"; pop3 is so simple, I just can't call that a
			  port... It compiled out of the box :))

      mSQL 2.0.3         (My own "port"; it just compiled out of the box... It is slow,
			  but it works... Even though not with Miami, because it relies
			  on multiuser-FS... At least it works best when using muFS or
			  everybody will be able to edit your databases :))

That's most of the software I'm using in my daily life... Some more meat things like
my own nameserver are on the todo-list.

As you might have guessed, I work on the net, because I'm a CGI-programmer..

Enough for today, just enjoy the pictures...
