Short:        Great thin font for use with Workbench!
Author: (Daniel Mealha Cabrita)
Uploader:     dancab iname com (Daniel Mealha Cabrita)
Type:         text/bfont
Version:      1.1
Architecture: generic

    This file includes the ThinpazB/8 font, a more readable version
 of original Thinpaz font.

    Being smaller than standard Topaz/8, but yet very readable,
 this font is great for text-intensive apps such as YAM or other
 MUI programs (specially some localised ones, which have wider
 strings having problem fitting in screen with Topaz/8).

    Installation instructions: just copy the files inside the 'Fonts'
 drawer to respective places in FONTS: assignment.

    Try it!


    1.1 - entirely revised, now looks _much_ better

    1.0 - initial release (16th jan, 1998)