Short:        Collection of templates for Finalwriter
Author:       misc.
Uploader:     Heiko Hayn (Smeagel gmx net)
Type:         text/fwrit
Version:      1
Requires:     Finalwriter
Architecture: generic

This is a collection of templates for Finalwriter. Most of them I made by myself
and a very few I got from other people. It is the result of my idea of having
one place for templates which have been done by FW-Users. I asked in several
newsgroups for them and have got a lot of positive response because of the idea,
but almost no one actually mailed my templates. So I decided to cancel the idea
of a website and to put all I have into Aminet. Maybe there is someone out there
who appreciates it.

Well, I am still open to get more templates and if there are enough of them I
will do a website. This applies also to templates for Amigawriter, because I
switched to it. I still use FW though, until AW gets an import/export-module for
FW-Documents. I do not want to write everything I did in FW again in AW and RTF
is no good, because I used a lot of graphics, textframes and tables. Anyway,
whoever has a template for FW or AW and would like to share it is welcome to
send it to me. Maybe I get enough for a website or at the very least for a
second archive on aminet.