Short:        Official drivers for Star printers.
Author:       Wolf Faust
Type:         text/print
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

 9 pin driver v35.3   15.09.93
24 pin driver v35.8   15.09.93
SJ144  driver v35.1.2 15.09.93

                    Welcome to the Star Driver

The  Star  driver is a software for controlling a printer with the
Commodore-Amiga  personal  computer  with  the purpose of creating
high quality output.  The driver's main qualities include:

o  Freely definable dither routines (many are included).

o  16-point colour adjustment for each colour component.  This allows
   you to do gamma correction, adjust the contrast and brightness,
   plus more.

o  Ink compensation for the correction of ink impurities.

o  Workbench 2/3 graphical user interface (GUI).

o  The driver can print up to 256 shades of grey from normal
   Amiga applications.  Standard Amiga drivers are limited to 16.

o  Full control over page size, paper margins and size of the printed

o  Full control over built-in printer typefaces.

o  The software is very fast and automatically uses improved routines
   if the software is run on an Amiga with a 68020/30/40 CPU.

o  Builtin support for the arXon electronic centronic switch box.

o  Free definable tab stops.

o  Job end signal.

o  Supports Workbench 1.3, 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0.

These  are  not  the  complete  capabilities  of the Star drivers,
merely some highlights.