Short: Commodity to lauch commonly used programs Author: Uploader: d kinder btinternet com Type: util/cdity Version: 1.3 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: Aminet Introduction ------------ RunList is a commodity to lauch commonly used programs. When activated, a user defined list of commands is displayed, any one of which can be activated by clicking on a gadget or by pressing a function key. If required, RunList can also add an item to the Workbench 'Tools' menu to activate RunList. Use --- From the Shell, the template is CX_PRIORITY/N/K,CX_POPKEY/K,CX_POPUP/K,MENU/S The first three arguments are standard for commodities, and determine the commodity's priority, its hotkey, and whether or not it should activate on startup. The defaults correspond to calling RunList with RunList CX_PRIORITY=0 CX_POPKEY="shift alt help" CX_POPUP=NO The menu switch determines whether RunList should add an item to the Workbench 'Tools' menu. By default RunList will not do this. From Workbench, the standard commodity tooltypes CX_PRIORITY, CX_POPKEY and CX_POPUP can be used, exactly as per the Shell arguments. The tooltype MENU functions identically to the Shell switch of the same name. Once running, press the hotkey (default Shift-Alt-Help), or (if available) select the 'Tools' menu item 'RunList' to activate the RunList window. A window containing gadgets corresponding to the configuration file (see below) will appear. Click on the appropriate gadget to start the required program. Alternatively, the first ten programs can be started by pressing a function key (F1 corresponding to the first gadget, F2 to the second, etc.). The window can be closed by clicking on its close gadget, or by selecting 'Hide' from the 'Project' menu. RunList can be permanently de-activated by selecting 'Quit' from the 'Project' menu. Configuration File ------------------ On startup, RunList looks for the file "RunList.config", first in the startup directory, and then in S:. The file should consist of lines, each one representing a single gadget. The format is the text that should appear in the gadget, followed by a vertical bar ('|'), then the command to run, e.g. MultiView|SYS:Utilities/MultiView