84799 packages online
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Found 408 matching packages
DirMenu.lha |
util/cdity |
675 |
40K |
1995-01-07 |
Access files easily with pop up menus. - (readme) |
director16.lha |
util/cdity |
794 |
77K |
1996-10-10 |
SUPER cdity, Records mouse/keyboard input V1.6 - (readme) |
devman14.lha |
util/cdity |
1428 |
32K |
1995-09-30 |
Devs and Storage drawers manager v1.4 - (readme) |
DeviceLock1_2.lha |
util/cdity |
546 |
58K |
1994-03-23 |
GUI for the CLI-program \'Lock\' (Bugfix) - (readme) |
DetotterButton.lha |
util/cdity |
716 |
11K |
2000-03-29 |
Absorb short blackouts of a mouse button, Cluster source included - (readme) |
DepthMenu_Swe.lha |
util/cdity |
992 |
1K |
2005-04-07 |
Swedish catalog for DepthMenu 2.43 - (readme) |
DepthMenu.lha |
2.43 |
util/cdity |
1627 |
53K |
2006-05-22 |
Popup menu for depth gadgets. V2.43. - (readme) |
DefPubScr300.lha |
util/cdity |
764 |
33K |
1993-08-31 |
Makes front public screen default, V3.00 - (readme) |
DefProtectV1.1.lha |
1.1 (17-Jan-96) |
util/cdity |
653 |
25K |
1996-02-27 |
Auto-Sets muFS protection bits. - (readme) |
DefIcon.lha |
util/cdity |
1317 |
15K |
1994-11-02 |
Commodity to create Icons for files - (readme) |
CycleToMenu-21.lha |
util/cdity |
1449 |
52K |
1994-06-10 |
Turn cycle gadgets into popup menus - (readme) |
cybgfx-DPMS.lha |
util/cdity |
764 |
4K |
1996-04-10 |
Simple DPMS commodity for Cybergraphx - (readme) |
CxSP.lha |
2.3.0 |
util/cdity |
1438 |
4K |
2016-01-02 |
CX v2.3 spanish catalog - (readme) |
CxPX_SP.lha |
1.0.0 |
util/cdity |
1136 |
4K |
2015-12-30 |
CxPX v1.0 spanish catalog - (readme) |
CxPX.lha |
1.0 |
util/cdity |
714 |
178K |
1997-06-06 |
SAKU-V1.0-Commodities Exchange replacement - (readme) |
CxPak.lha |
util/cdity |
819 |
27K |
1993-09-11 |
Five practical commodities. V1.0, Src - (readme) |
CXHandlerV38.lha |
util/cdity |
817 |
21K |
1995-02-01 |
CXHandler V3.8 is an Exchange clone - (readme) |
CXHandlerSP.lha |
3.8.2 |
util/cdity |
1280 |
4K |
2015-11-22 |
CXHandler v3.8 spanish catalog - (readme) |
CxControl.lha |
util/cdity |
793 |
4K |
1996-04-16 |
Smallest commodities shell controler - (readme) |
CxCommander10.lha |
util/cdity |
809 |
10K |
1994-07-26 |
Commodities controller for Shell - (readme) |
CxBar.lha |
37.23 |
util/cdity |
642 |
82K |
1997-09-23 |
A 1-line/row virtgrp ExchangeClone(MUI) - (readme) |
CX23ctlgs.lzh |
util/cdity |
667 |
14K |
1995-10-13 |
Catalog files for CX (Exchange Clone) - (readme) |
cx23.lha |
util/cdity |
662 |
56K |
1995-07-12 |
Exchange clone, bugfixed - (readme) |
CTM-21-Svenska.lha |
util/cdity |
720 |
23K |
1994-08-21 |
Swedish version of CycleToMenu 2.1 - (readme) |
crsnap11.lha |
util/cdity |
687 |
9K |
1996-02-27 |
Screen snapshot commodity - (readme) |
CRSnap.lha |
util/cdity |
1012 |
11K |
1997-03-08 |
Screen snapshot commodity v1.3 - (readme) |
Conversion0.9b.lha |
util/cdity |
633 |
21K |
1995-01-23 |
GUI based Cdity for Metric and English Unit Conversion - (readme) |
control1.lha |
util/cdity |
1161 |
107K |
1996-11-06 |
Controls SCSI hardware (CD-ROM,ZIP...) - (readme) |
ConPaste.lha |
37.25 |
util/cdity |
1156 |
9K |
1994-06-02 |
Commodity to paste clipped text anywhere - (readme) |
Commodities.lha |
0.4 |
util/cdity |
903 |
43K |
1987-07-07 |
Commodities exchange, Amiga exec library. V0.4 - (readme) |
cmdlst11.lha |
util/cdity |
749 |
23K |
1994-11-11 |
Comfortable program launcher, now with individual hotkeys for programs - (readme) |
CloseWB_v19.lha |
util/cdity |
939 |
25K |
1995-12-17 |
Closes, locks or reopens WB screen. Closes windows and shells. - (readme) |
ClockedX.lha |
1.1ß (31.10.99) |
util/cdity |
756 |
52K |
1999-11-02 |
Executes commands at certain times - (readme) |
ClipWiz-V1.1.lha |
util/cdity |
671 |
75K |
1995-04-15 |
Does things with the clipboard - (readme) |
ClipTool38_1.lha |
util/cdity |
693 |
88K |
1995-01-04 |
V38+ ClipBoard manipulation commodity - (readme) |
Clipper.lha |
1.01 |
util/cdity |
788 |
51K |
1997-01-28 |
Multi-clipboard support for all programs. - (readme) |
ClipHistoryPch.lha |
2.4b |
util/cdity |
671 |
13K |
1999-01-19 |
Patch ClipHistory 2.4 for workaround with OS bug - (readme) |
ClipHistoryCat.lha |
util/cdity |
708 |
12K |
1997-10-12 |
Catalog update for ClipHistory 2.4 - (readme) |
ClipHistory.lha |
util/cdity |
1048 |
86K |
1997-04-13 |
A history for the clipboard, V2.4 - (readme) |
ClipBored10.lha |
1.0 (5.3.94) |
util/cdity |
916 |
34K |
1994-03-06 |
Cdity gives easy access to 10 clipboards - (readme) |
Clipbook1_2.lha |
util/cdity |
706 |
25K |
1994-12-03 |
Allows clips to be stored and retreived - (readme) |
ClipAid.lha |
util/cdity |
725 |
12K |
1994-12-08 |
Delete & show files using a hotkey. V1.0 - (readme) |
Clicker.lha |
1.3 |
util/cdity |
661 |
52K |
1996-05-19 |
Key-click commodity - (readme) |
clickdepth10.lha |
util/cdity |
748 |
3K |
1993-06-14 |
Depth-arrage windows with mouse - (readme) |
ChangeReqs.lha |
util/cdity |
750 |
4K |
1994-08-22 |
Commodity to Patch requesters - (readme) |
util/cdity |
766 |
13K |
1997-12-22 |
DPMS manager for CyberGraphX. V1.3 - (readme) |
CentreQuest.lha |
util/cdity |
886 |
12K |
2001-05-29 |
Centre system requesters how you like. - (readme) |
centerwin30usr.lha |
util/cdity |
788 |
5K |
1996-11-13 |
Center/Zip active window by hotkey - (readme) |
cdxsizer.lha |
3.20b |
util/cdity |
841 |
96K |
1995-12-21 |
Size windows by clicking at borders - (readme) |
CDTVTools_Hgn.lha |
util/cdity |
770 |
2K |
2001-05-08 |
Hungarian catalog for the CDTVTools - (readme) |
Found 408 matching packages
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Müller and the Aminet team.
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