Short:        CLI util to alter binary files
Uploader:     kevin dcs exeter ac uk
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.0
Requires:     WB 2.04+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Allows any kind of file to be altered using an offset into it and 
a string of values to write to that location, the string can either
be a series of HEX vaules or a ascii text string.

`   '

"Designed for a world of cold chrome,  |
where all is hell, and nowhere home."  |        \
             aleph NULL 	       |       /_\_/_|\_|_|___
             `   '                     |      /   \__|__|_|_      |             |
GothCode 2.0: GoCS+ TTg(AdCy) B8/20Bk^1 cBK(DBR)s+3 PE(NiSaSh) V+3s
M+4 ZGo(NrInIpCl!!--) C+4p9u A24-)25( n-4MV b:- H177 g+3! w+3T r--A
 mEa2--#)Ni1Li1( D+3~  h++PNi(ER) s8 k+4BdSMDsFNW Rz SsWw N0893pcw
                            LukEN++* lflL