Short:        Command key remapper
Author:       Ilkka Lehtoranta (
Uploader:     Ilkka Lehtoranta (ilkleht isoveli org)
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-morphos

This utility remaps right command key (sometimes referred as Amiga key or
GUI key) to left command key, to left or right shift key, or to left or right
alt key.

Command line options are:
  LCOMMAND/S - remap right command key to left command key (default)
  LSHIFT/S   - remap right command key to left shift key
  RSHIFT/S   - remap right command key to right shift key
  LALT/S     - remap right command key to left alt key
  RALT/S     - remap right command key to right alt key

When running under Kickstart 1.3 or older command line options are not
available and it always defaults to map left command as right command key.

To install copy ComKeyRemapper.ppc (MorphOS) or ComKeyRemapper.68k to C:.
To start program automatically on every boot you must edit your User-Startup.
You can add something like below:

  Run >NIL: C:ComKeyRemapper <>NIL:

(If you are using Kickstart 1.3 or older there is no User-Startup file and
you must edit your Startup-Sequence file.)