Short:        New NULL device and RunBack replacement
Author:       Gunnar Nordmark, Andreas R. Kleinert, various
Uploader:     Andreas_Kleinert t-online de
Type:         util/cli
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

 Since AmigaOS' NIL: isn't a real device, this could
 lead to problems sometimes.

 There once was a real NULL: device handler on
 an old fish disk - so I decided polishing it
 again a little bit. There also was a "RunBack"
 tool available that did an Execute() (C:Run)
 call using the NULL: device as Input and Output
 handles - however nowadays System() is the
 better choice. So I just wrote a new one in C.

 All you have to do, is to copy the NULL device
 entry to Devs:DOSHandlers and the actual handler
 to L:

 Original - respectively rewritten - sources
 and documentation included.

 ARK, 4/Apr/99