Short:        SizeDelete 1.02 - Delete files depending on size
Uploader:     jthorsen iname com
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.02
Replaces:     util/cli/SizeDelete.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

SizeDelete is email-ware, which means that if you like it I would really like to receive a mail from 
you telling me so.
SizeDelete will let you delete files from a directory, depending on the file-size.

SizeDelete <dir> [min=<n bytes>] [max=<n bytes>] [is=<n bytes>] [LIST] [QUIET]

DIR    - Dir to delete files from.
MIN    - Minimum filesize to copy
MAX    - Maximum filesize to copy
IS     - Only copy files that are exactly this size
LIST   - Do not copy files, only list them.
QUIET  - Do not ask questions, this is smart to use in scripts where 
         you don't want the program to wait for your response.

SizeDelete tmp:  min=50000 max=100000 ;This will delete files in the 50K -> 100K range from tmp:

SizeDelete store: store3:tmp/ max=1000000 LIST ;This will list files in store: that are 1MB or less in size.

This should be quite simple to figure out I guess, but if you are stuck feel free to 
send me a mail.

SizeDelete is part of a series of smart little tools. You should also check out the following tools:


Version History:

1.02 Fixed a bug in the exit-routine.

1.01 Now uses raw-mode for input, so the input will not be put in the CON's history.
     Reported by Stefan Schulz

1.0  First public release