Short:        Copy files from disks with maxtransfer errors
Author:       Daniel Westerberg (
Uploader:     Daniel Westerberg (deniil algonet se)
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is a copy command which is used when copying big
files from a disk with maxtransfer errors and not are
able to set the maxtransfer to a functional value.

This program reads on byte (buffered) at a time from
the source and then writes chunks of 32kB to the
destination (unbuffered).
Maxtransfer errors often occours as distorted files,
and often only on files bigger than 128kB.

I use it for some PC-drives that I use at my work to
transfer files from the PC (with fast internet) to
my Amiga at home..

Other programs by Deniil 715! can be found on OnyxSoft homepage at:

Feel free to mail me if you found bugs or have suggestions!