Short:        Opens the windows from cli, current dir or given paths
Author: (Nikolaos Damilakis)
Uploader:     dagonc libero it (Nikolaos Damilakis)
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.2
Requires:     OS 3.5 or higher
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

OPTIMIZED: only 2.408bytes :-) the first version was 33.100bytes!

Version 1.2 bug when executed only with each name opened only current dirs win namelength 32 now fixed

openwin v1.2 opens the window or windows of the given paths or
if used without arguments opens the window of the current directory
you are in AmigaShell.

Installation: just copy it to the C:

IMPORTANT: it has no help line (openwin ?) so read all the program features
from the examples.

Usage examples:

1.dh0:internet> openwin  <-- opens the window of the current directory 
1.dh0:> openwin dh1:     <-- this opens the window in workbench of dh1:
1.dh0:> openwin ram:t dh0:internet/amirc <-- the same but with multiple paths

extract it in ram: and make show all icons

you can find me by the nick Dagon on the Greek irc servers of GrNet i.e.



Esempi d'uso:

openwin                 <-- apre la finestra della directory corrente
openwin dh0:internet    <-- apre la finestra del percorso dato
openwin dh0:internet ram:t dh0: <-- la stessa cosa come prima pero con percorsi multipli


You know foreign languages, so read the above :P
Amiga êáé ôá ìõáëÜ óôï MIXER! :o)