Short:        1.28 set, remove, replace, rescale tab stops
Author: (Dirk Stoecker)
Uploader:     stoecker rcs urz tu-dresden de (Dirk Stoecker)
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.28
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Kurz:         Setzen, Entfernen, Aendern von Tabulatoren

TABS is a little utility to set, replace, remove tab stops in texts. Do not
use this program on program files! It is able to handle special text files
like AmigaGuide.

It is useful for:
  - replace different tab stop settings in texts with system default 8
  - replace spaces in texts with tab stops --> reduces size
  - replace tab stops with spaces for program not able to display tab stops
  - optimize already set tab stops --> reduces size

Tab stops which skip only ONE position are replaced by ONE space!

TABS needs OS 37 (2.0) or later OS versions!


  FROM   inputfile
  TO     outputfile
  REMOVE replaces all tab stops by spaces (default: replace spaces by tabs)
  TAB    width of tabulator (default: 8)
  OLDTAB width of tab stops which are already in text (default: TAB value)
  KILL   kills spaces and tab stops at end of line (as they are useless)

  CCODE      handle text as C-sourcecode (string spaces are not changed)
  AMIGAGUIDE handle text as AmigaGuide file (tab stops are set, so that
             viewed AmigaGuide and not ASCII text is correct!)

Please report me bugs, comments, suggestions and problems. If possible
write a little mail if you use the program sometimes. If there are some
Enforcer hits or other problems report them as good as possible.

Please contact me:

* snail-mail:                  * e-mail:                                   *
*   Dirk Stoecker              *          *
*   Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 *                 *
*   01877 Bischofswerda        * world wide web:                           *
*   GERMANY                    * *
* phone:                       * pgp key:                                  *
*   GERMANY +49 (0)3594/706666 *   get with finger or from WWW pages       *