Short: Converts between Atari XL/XE's XFD,SCP,ATR,DCM,DI diskimage formats Author: Jindrich Kubec ( Amiga port by Voy/SSG^Dial^SWAT Uploader: Wojciech Pasiecznik/Voy/SSG^Dial^SWAT (voydial wp pl) Type: util/conv Version: 1.07 Replaces: misc/emu/acvt.lha Requires: ixemul.library Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: GNU Public License Description: ------------ Converts between XFD-SCP-ATR-DCM-DI formats. ATR - SIO2PC images XFD - XFormer images DCM - DiskCommunicator images SCP - SpartaDos SCOPY images DI - XL/ST link / XLDJ disk images It's replacement for DOS version of Steven Tucker's Imagic. It's in fact better because: 1) It's free. 2) It comes with source. 3) Therefore it could be ported to another architectures. 4) Contains less bugs. (Hope so.) 5) Can repair some invalid images. 6) Now also supports DI file format. Usage: ------ Acvt [options] sourcefile [destfile] -help -this help -v -verbose output -atr -output is ATR -di -output is DI -xfd -output is XFD -scp -output is SCP -dcm -output is DCM -batch -batch mode -errstop -in batchmode stop on first error -over -turns on file overwriting -autorepair -auto repair mode -norepair -don't repair -test -only test input files -classic -force to create 'classic' disk formats Uploader's note: I've ported this cool utility to Amiga once again, because the previous port (by Stefan Haubenthal ) did not work at all :(. This version has a full functionality (I hope so ;) - I've tested this port with many diskimages... ^_^