Short: Atari XL .CAS image to .WAV converter. Author: (Ernest R. Schreurs). Amiga port by Wojciech Pasiecznik Uploader: voydial wp pl (Wojciech Pasiecznik) Type: util/conv Version: 1.00 Architecture: m68k-amigaos The design goal of this project is to convert the digital tape format, introduced with the wav2cas project, back to a format that will enable us to re-create a cassette that can then be loaded on a regular Classic Atari equipped with any of the supported cassette units. The data is thus re-saved onto cassette tape. This can be used to clean up faulty tapes that contain dropouts, spikes, noise, or other problems. Data that is damaged can be restored, or repaired. The data on the new tape could be saved at a higher baud rate, thus slightly reducing the time required to load the tape. The quality of the cassette tape can be greatly improved in this way. The cassette data is encoded into a .wav file, which should then be played back through a .wav player program. The audio can then be recorded onto an audio cassette using a standard audio cassette recorder. Since the cassette data is recorded using only a sound card and some software, there is no need for an Atari cassette unit. Data can be retrieved from, and saved to cassette tapes even if your cassette unit is broken, unreliable, or otherwise not available. You will need a regular audio cassette recorder of course. If you want to load the cassette again, you will need an Atari and an Atari cassette unit, but these do not have to be connected to the PC. You could go to a friend with your tapes and process them on her/his PC if you do not have such a device yourself.