Short:        WAV to T64/UEF/TZX converter
Author: (Ian Gledhill)
Uploader:     polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Type:         util/conv
Version:      0.04
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-amigaos; ppc-morphos; i386-aros; ppc-aros; other

UberCassette V0.04
UberCassette <input filename> <output filename> [-<parameter> <value>]
File type detection depends on file extension. More than one algorithm may
be available, if one doesn't work, try the other. Possible extensions are:
Input:		.WAV .TAP .CSW
Output:		.T64 .TAP .UEF .TZX .CSW .WAV
Parameters available are:
-machine:	C64 (default)  C16  VIC20  BBC  ELECTRON  SPECTRUM
-algorithm:	TRIGGER(default)  WAVE
-video:		PAL (default)  NTSC
-threshold1:	Cut-off Distance (0.0 - 1.0) from short bit to large bit
-threshold2:	Cut-off Distance (0.0 - 1.0) from large bit to very large bit
-audio:		BOTH (default)  LEFT  RIGHT	Which channel of a stereo file to use.
-normalise:	ON (default)  OFF	Normalise the input waveform.
-minsignal:	<integer> is minimum amplitude for a signal. Default: 8.