Short:        Amigaguide to HTML translation program.
Author:       Frederic Leger
Uploader:     Frederic Leger
Type:         util/conv
Version:      1e
Requires:     Workbench 1.3 or higher.
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: FreeWare

UnixGuide @1998 LEGER Frederic

What is UnixGuide:
        A translation tool between Amigaguide files to HTML files.

        * To provide an a twin under UNIX for the Commodore AmigaGuide(TM) program by using an HTML navigator.
          (Today it has a small compatibility, but it has eaten the Includes&Autodocs
          so it is most often enough for a simple translation).
        * To have my amigaguide files in HTML (it's easy now:-)).

        * Very fast (2 seconds won versus GuideML on my 68030 for a 64ko file).
        * Brutal

        * An Amiga.
        * A PC under linux with a 386

        you can use Netscape or Arena to view output files.
        Often, the main file will be called "main.html" because of the amigaguide structure.

Bug:    It makes always a read error at the end of the guide.


                    \\\\       ONLY AMIGA !!!
                     \\\\      ___
                      \\\\    ////
                       \\\\  ////
                         \\\///   LEDJ