Short:        Directory Utility for OS 2.04+
Author: (Matthias Scheler)
Uploader:     mscheler aminet net (Matthias Scheler)
Type:         util/dir
Version:      4.07
Replaces:     util/dir/Filer4_06.lha
Requires:     AmigaOS 2.04 or newer
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Filer is an Intuition controlled file manager for OS 2.04 and newer.

You can use Filer for copying, deleting and renaming files or creating
directories. You can create, list and extract archives with it or use
it as an universal viewing tool. Filer even is able to control your whole
system as a replacement for the Workbench.

Some of Filer's features are:

- font-sensitive, resizable and Style Guide compliant GadTools GUI
- ARexx interface
- highly configurable
- keyboard support
- class support
- archive support
- Envoy support
- Drag and Drop support

Changes from 4.06 to 4.07:
- Filer is now Freeware. There are no more restrictions in the unregistered
  version. People who registered Filer in 2000 or 2001 can sent me an e-mail
  or letter to get their money back if they feel bad about this.
- new configuration flag ``SETFILESIZE''

Changes from 4.05 to 4.06:
- fixed Enforcer hit in function FILENOTE
- fixed problem with softlinks in function SEARCH
- little improvement to directory cache handling

Changes from 4.04 to 4.05:
- fixed Enforcer hit when double clicking on the device listview

Changes from 4.03 to 4.04:
- added work arround for bug in FastFileSystem
- improved ARexx command GETNUMENTRIES

Changes from 4.02 to 4.03:
- fixed bad bug in directory management

Changes from 4.01 to 4.02:
- some small bug fixes

Changes from 4.00 to 4.01:
- some small bug fixes
- improved documentation

Changes from 3.24 to 4.00:
- some small bug fixes
- supports ``screennotify.library''
- complete reworked ListView engine
- The ARexx command EXTRACT has a new argument ``ALL'' which replaces the
  configuration flag ``EXTRACTALL''. The configuration file is automatically
- supports Drag and Drop now
- increased maximum length of various configuration parameters to 256
- The window of the builtin textviewer can now be resized horizontally, too.
- The ARexx command ``SELECTENTRY'' was renamed to SELECTBYBAME.
- new ARexx command SELECTBYPATTERN
- new configuration flag ACTIVATEWINDOW
- improved function MakeLink
- added configurable support
- new ARexx command READDROPDIR

Snailmail: Matthias Scheler
           Clemens-August-Straße 25
           33102 Paderborn
           FR Germany

    Phone: +49-5251-872068
