Short: fix files that have a date in future Author: Rupert Hausberger Uploader: Rupert Hausberger Type: util/misc Version: 1.2 Architecture: ppc-morphos Description =========== fixdate is a simple shell-tool to fix files that have a date in the future. Those files are set to the current date. Requirements ============ - MorphOS 1.x Installation ============ - Copy the executable to C: Usage ===== fixdate does only work from a shell. Arguments --------- PATH/A,A=ALL/S,T=TEST/S PATH/A - Entry path, "" for current dir. A=ALL/S - Handle recursive, so all subdirs too. T=TEST/S - Just test/check, no fix is performed. Examples -------- Test SYS : C:fixdate SYS: A T Fix SYS : C:fixdate SYS: A Author ====== ©2009-2012 Rupert Hausberger License ======= GPL. Please refer to the file COPYING for details. History ======= Please refer to the file ChangeLog for details.