Short: Safe v14.5 - virus dicovering system Author: Zbigniew Trzcionkowski ( Uploader: Tomasz Wiszkowski (t_error interia pl) Type: util/virus Version: 14.5 (01.01.2001) Requires: Amiga with OS 2.04+ (xvs.library strongly recommended) Architecture: m68k-amigaos Name: Safe STATUS: FreeWare FEATURES: - system friendly, non resident, can discover new link viruses - TCP newshell guard option - ANTISTEALTH abilities and HEURISTIC vector check option - `Safe VECS` allows You to REMOVE ANY patches from LoadSeg and NewLoadSeg vectors! - build in memory removals for NeuroticDeath1&2, HNY99/IOZ, rexxfunc trojan, PolishPower (Thanks to Jan Andersen) - please get from Aminet the newest xvs.library! [motaba-3/8x8 first file was intro_by_abatom from Frozen#32, clean Your copy of archive if You didn't] NOTE THAT SAFE IS VIRUS DETECTOR - NOT FILE CHECKER OR CLEANER! IT ONLY INFORMS ABOUT ATTACK AND REMOVES VIRUS FROM MEMORY IF POSSIBLE! $VER: - SIZE, COMMENTS v14.0 - 7000, finally! added possibility to change name of Safe (still won`t work with an icon), but in scripts You can now change Safe name and that`s it! Installer script will tell You more. It took six lines of code - don`t kill me, better late than never... :-P v14.1 - 7000, fixed again REBOOT for 040 - I hope last time :-P v14.2 - 7000, selfname detecting system fixed little bit, turned docs into HTML, I think Safe can be get only from net so... Else You can use MoreHTML or somthing in this kind. v14.3 - 7000, added spanish language to installer script (thanks to Damaso D. Estevez), small fixes v14.4 - 7000, fixed several mistakes in documentation (thanks to Bob Cameron) v14.5 - 7000, just refresh...