Short:        Textfile about virus
Uploader:     Henrik Lauridsen of Safe Hex International (hlau dou dk)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Long Description:

     Filename: Warn0194.lha
     Filesize: 10.487 bytes
     Origin: VirWarn-7

     Text about the new comming data security law in Sweden

     Author: Erik Loevendahl

The  new comming swedish data security law, which will proably be confirmed
in Sweden in 1994.  This law is the most modern and effective data security
law  in  the  world.   In the comming next years you will proably see a new
data security laws like this one in several countries.

A list containing the last released viruskillers with release dates and all
these killers are listed with their lenght verified bytes unpacked.

Finnally  a  list of viruses wanted by SHI for future updates of Virus Info
Base, Virus Checker, Extruder, Virus Scanner and the BootX viruskillers.