Short: Small windows like Tray app for MorphOS Author: (Nicolas Ramz) Uploader: leo nard free fr (Nicolas Ramz) Type: util/wb Version: 0.4 Architecture: ppc-morphos Copyright & Distribution: ************************* MorphTray v0.4 Copyright © 2004 by Nicolas Ramz MorphTray is distributed as FREEWARE. This software can be freely distributed as long as no more than the nominal fee is charged to cover the time and copying costs and as long as the archive remains intact and unchanged. No commercial usage is permitted without a written permission from me. (the author) The makers of the AMINET CDs, have my permission to distribute this software on their AMINET CDs. I am not responssible for any loss of data or any damage of your software/hardware. Use it at your own risk! Introduction: ************* MorphTray is a small tool I have written for my personnal usage. Because I thought it could be useful to someone else, I have decided to make a public release. MorphTray adds two things: 1. It opens a backdrop window and draws two icons on it. Double-clicking on an icon will launch the associated application or script. When 2. It checks for the env var "ONLINE" and displays a small bubble when the env variable is added/removed (ie: when TCP stack gets on or offline). Requirements: ************* MorphOS 1.4+ Usage: ****** MorphTray may only be started from Ambient. By default, MorphTray will open it's window anywhere on the screen. To drag it elsewhere you have to select "Drag Bar" in the menu. If icons are cut it's because your MUI configuration is using too small font (the icons are drawn using MUI's text engine which only looks at the size of the font and not the icons). Select "MUI Settings" in the menu, go to Windows tab and select a bigger font for "big". If you want to emulate a transparent background (see included grab), you should also set the "windows" and "text buttons" background to the corresponding background. MorphTray understands the following Tooltypes: SKIN_PATH --------- Specifies the skin directory. Default: images/ MorphTray needs the following images in the skin directory: .mixer.mbr - mixer icon .offline.mbr - offline icon .online.mbr - the two offline icons online2.mbr .drag.mbr - the dragbar icon ONLINE_STR ---------- String that will be displayed when the stack gets online. The string understands the following escape characters: .n - 'n' newline .[ - '33' ex: ONLINE_STR=We aren [b online ! => We are online ! ('online !' being printed in bold) Default: The interface "RTL8139"n is 33bonline33n :-) OFFLINE_STR ----------- String that will be displayed when the stack gets offline. Default: The interface "RTL8139"n is 33boffline33n :-) MIXER_PATH ---------- Path to the mixer executable. Default: sys:wbstartup/pegasosmixer SCRIPT_PATH ----------- Path to the script to execute when double-clicking on the connect icon. Default: s:run_show_miami => See the scripts directory for an example of connect scripts. History ******* 25.12.2004: first public release - Added: tooltypes - Added: dragbar - Added: double-click Contact: ******** Webpg: Email: Thanks to: ********** Tokai - Escape chars idea Chaozer - His release of zapper gaves me the idea of releasing MorphTray