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This is a collection of 18 WBPattern presets in MagicWB colors for use in
Workbench 2.x. I created this archive in 1995 and uploaded it to some local
BBSes, and now, a mere 17 years later, I'm uploading them to Aminet!
Further explanation: In Workbench 2.x, you have "WBPattern" available in
your Prefs drawer, which you can use to draw little patterns to use as tiled
backgrounds in the main Workbench screen and in windows. This archive
includes such patterns.
You can install the classic tool NickPrefs to gain "WBPicture" prefs in
Workbench 2.x, which will let you use any IFF image as the main Workbench
background. However, you are still limited to using WBPattern for the
Workbench 3.x can, of course, also use these patterns.
An example screenshot of one of the patterns (18-WBPattern.pre) is here:
The following was my original (and, in retrospect, lame) readme from 1995,
including my dumb nickname and an incorrect demonstrative pronoun. Enjoy.
These archive contains 18 window (or Workbench, if you like) patterns
by Doogie in the Magic Workbench style. Enjouy! :^)
# Archive 18Pats.LHA
# Name Size Packed CRC Date
1-WBPattern.pre 148 83 00004df6 1994-11-30 00:11
10-WBPattern.pre 148 83 00004cf8 1994-12-13 18:01
11-WBPattern.pre 148 26 0000d48b 1994-12-13 18:03
12-WBPattern.pre 148 84 00002355 1995-02-05 14:39
13-WBPattern.pre 148 81 00008576 1995-02-05 14:40
14-WBPattern.pre 148 80 00003515 1995-02-05 14:46
15-WBPattern.pre 148 82 0000effb 1995-02-05 14:53
16-WBPattern.pre 148 54 00000c24 1995-02-05 15:04
17-WBPattern.pre 148 56 0000d195 1995-02-05 15:32
18-WBPattern.pre 148 46 0000ed24 1995-02-05 15:33
2-WBPattern.pre 148 76 00008f02 1994-11-30 00:03
3-WBPattern.pre 148 76 0000410a 1994-11-30 00:04
4-WBPattern.pre 148 86 0000e6ab 1994-11-30 17:46
5-WBPattern.pre 148 89 0000ea84 1994-11-30 17:47
6-WBPattern.pre 148 73 000096a0 1994-12-01 07:36
7-WBPattern.pre 148 76 0000cc7b 1994-12-01 16:56
8-WBPattern.pre 148 79 0000447b 1994-12-01 07:43
9-WBPattern.pre 148 48 00003868 1994-12-13 17:55
18Pats.readme 125 104 0000bc19 1995-02-12 17:50
MyBBS.Displayme 532 246 0000944e 1994-08-06 17:40
Contents of pix/mwb/18Pats.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 83 148 56.1% -lh5- 4df6 Nov 30 1994 1-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 83 148 56.1% -lh5- 4cf8 Dec 13 1994 10-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 26 148 17.6% -lh5- d48b Dec 13 1994 11-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 84 148 56.8% -lh5- 2355 Feb 5 1995 12-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 81 148 54.7% -lh5- 8576 Feb 5 1995 13-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 80 148 54.1% -lh5- 3515 Feb 5 1995 14-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 82 148 55.4% -lh5- effb Feb 5 1995 15-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 54 148 36.5% -lh5- 0c24 Feb 5 1995 16-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 56 148 37.8% -lh5- d195 Feb 5 1995 17-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 46 148 31.1% -lh5- ed24 Feb 5 1995 18-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 76 148 51.4% -lh5- 8f02 Nov 30 1994 2-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 76 148 51.4% -lh5- 410a Nov 30 1994 3-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 86 148 58.1% -lh5- e6ab Nov 30 1994 4-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 89 148 60.1% -lh5- ea84 Nov 30 1994 5-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 73 148 49.3% -lh5- 96a0 Dec 1 1994 6-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 76 148 51.4% -lh5- cc7b Dec 1 1994 7-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 79 148 53.4% -lh5- 447b Dec 1 1994 8-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 48 148 32.4% -lh5- 3868 Dec 13 1994 9-WBPattern.pre
[generic] 104 125 83.2% -lh5- bc19 Feb 12 1995 18Pats.readme
[generic] 246 532 46.2% -lh5- 944e Aug 6 1994 MyBBS.Displayme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 20 files 1628 3321 49.0% Oct 18 20:14
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