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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
18Pats.lha pix/mwb 5691 2K 2012-10-19 generic icon MagicWB style WBPatterns for WB 2.x - (readme)
8COL-MWB-BRU.lha pix/mwb 5255 29K 1995-02-01 generic icon 8 Color (Magic WB Palette) Brushes. - (readme)
ACKicons01.lha pix/mwb 5563 185K 1995-12-18 generic icon First collection of ACK\'s MagicWB icons - (readme)
AddendumHTML.lha pix/mwb 5792 133K 1996-07-11 generic icon Docs in HTML format for "TMWBAddendum.lha". - (readme)
AF-MWBdocks1.lha pix/mwb 5273 11K 1997-01-04 generic icon Nice MWB-Dockicons (Cinema4D/Photogenics/ScanQuix...) - (readme)
AF-ZIPdisk-MWB.lha pix/mwb 5164 1K 1997-01-04 generic icon VERY nice MWB-Icon for ZIP-Disks - (readme)
Ai_MWB1.lha pix/mwb 5520 79K 1997-04-25 generic icon VideoGirl Ai MWB Pic by PirlAGA - (readme)
Ai_MWB2.lha pix/mwb 5436 39K 1997-05-20 generic icon VideoGirl Ai MWB Pic by PirlAGA - (readme)
AKBackPix01.lha pix/mwb 5273 365K 2000-08-29 generic icon Greyscale Fantasy WB pix 01 (ROM-Icons colours) - (readme)
AKBackPix02.lha pix/mwb 5161 376K 2000-08-29 generic icon Greyscale Fantasy WB pix 02 (ROM-Icons colours) - (readme)
AKBackPix03.lha pix/mwb 5117 418K 2000-10-09 generic icon Greyscale Fantasy WB pix 03 (ROM-Icons colours) - (readme)
AKBackPix04.lha pix/mwb 5150 383K 2000-11-14 generic icon Greyscale Fantasy WB pix 04 (ROM-Icons colours) - (readme)
AKBackPrv01.jpg pix/mwb 1260 124K 2000-07-27 generic icon Greyscale Fantasy WB pix 01 - Preview - (readme)
AKBackPrv02.jpg pix/mwb 1200 129K 2000-08-27 generic icon Greyscale Fantasy WB pix 01 - Preview - (readme)
AKBackPrv03.jpg pix/mwb 1148 128K 2000-10-09 generic icon Greyscale Fantasy WB pix 03 - Preview - (readme)
AKBackPrv04.jpg pix/mwb 1094 125K 2000-11-14 generic icon Greyscale Fantasy WB pix 04 - Preview - (readme)
akiconz.lha pix/mwb 5104 135K 1997-09-03 generic icon A MWB *GAMES* Icon Collection - (readme)
AKIconz2.lha pix/mwb 5011 141K 1998-03-21 generic icon A MWB *GAMES* Icon Collection (Vol. 2) - (readme)
AkIconz3.lha pix/mwb 4323 151K 1998-09-25 generic icon A MWB *GAMES* Icon Collection (Vol. 3) - (readme)
AKIconz4.lha pix/mwb 4192 274K 2000-10-09 generic icon A MWB *GAMES* Icon Collection (Vol. 4) - (readme)
AKIconzGold.lha pix/mwb 4170 531K 2001-03-30 generic icon The ALL NEW 32 col. Icon Collection #1 - (readme)
AKImagez.lha pix/mwb 4146 107K 2000-01-18 generic icon 445 (!!!) MWB style images for ScreenTab - (readme)
AlotOfAGI.lha pix/mwb 4063 192K 1996-07-12 generic icon Alot of Amiga-Guide icons in Roman\'s style - (readme)
AmBoSIcons.lha pix/mwb 4071 17K 1995-03-14 generic icon AmBoS Icons; MagicWB Icons for AmBoS - (readme)
AMI.lha 1.0 pix/mwb 5071 448K 1997-04-04 generic icon Another MagicWB Icon Collection - (readme)
AMI2.lha 2.0 pix/mwb 4804 667K 1998-02-14 generic icon Another MagicWB Icon Collection - (readme)
amiga-tng2.lha pix/mwb 4038 183K 1996-01-29 generic icon TNG-WB 2nd Version PREViEW (JPG) - (readme)
AMI_2.lha 2.0 pix/mwb 4464 667K 1998-02-14 generic icon Another MagicWB Icon Collection - (readme)
Aquaricon_Old.lha 1.0ß pix/mwb 3976 234K 1998-11-08 generic icon 32color Icons with screen palette control. - (readme)
arcadesnookeri.lha pix/mwb 3918 7K 2001-08-05 generic icon Nice MWB icon for Arcade Snooker - (readme)
Arnold-1.lha pix/mwb 4433 684K 1995-05-17 generic icon Docks/Icons/Pictures..for MagicWB & TM - (readme)
astami16mwbicn.lha pix/mwb 3975 7K 1996-03-03 generic icon 16 Color MWB-Icons for AST and Aminet-CDs - (readme)
ATRcons1.lha pix/mwb 4165 122K 1996-05-14 generic icon A.T.R. MWB-Icons Vol.1 and a new AGA-BootPic - (readme)
ATRcons2.lha pix/mwb 4247 298K 1996-09-12 generic icon A.T.R. MWB-Icons Vol.2,Patterns,BPic-Brushes - (readme)
ATRcons3.lha pix/mwb 4182 330K 1997-09-09 generic icon Part III of the ATR MagicWB-Icon-Collection. - (readme)
awmwb.lha pix/mwb 4372 56K 1995-01-29 generic icon MWB icons, drawers, non-lace disk icons. - (readme)
awmwb2.lha pix/mwb 4559 83K 1995-04-28 generic icon MagicWB icons + *new* non-lace disk icons. - (readme)
AWMWB2UP.lha pix/mwb 4094 28K 1995-05-07 generic icon Upgrade AWMWB2 to AWMWB2.1 - (readme)
AWMWB2_1.lha pix/mwb 4728 98K 1995-05-07 generic icon Magic WorkBench icons V2.1 (Complete) - (readme)
awmwb3.lha pix/mwb 4509 136K 1996-01-14 generic icon ALL Net icons,DefIcons,AB3D,F1GP+more < - (readme)
B-Patterns1.0.lha pix/mwb 4395 13K 1996-05-02 generic icon B-Patterns: Cool MagicWB Patterns - (readme)
BNSMWBicons.lha pix/mwb 4195 299K 1998-02-25 generic icon BNS MWB Enhancement - (readme)
BNSMWBicons2.lha pix/mwb 4106 173K 1998-05-13 generic icon 2nd BNS MWB Enhancement - (readme)
BNSMWBicons3.lha pix/mwb 4175 247K 1998-05-26 generic icon 3rd BNS MWB Enhancement - (readme)
BNSMWBicons4.lha pix/mwb 4213 732K 1998-06-20 generic icon 4th BNS MWB Enhancement - (readme)
BNSMWBIcons5.lha pix/mwb 4225 1.4M 1998-07-29 generic icon 5th BNS MWB Enhancement - (readme)
BNSMWBicons6.lha pix/mwb 4450 1.3M 1998-08-18 generic icon 6th BNS MWB Enhancement - (readme)
BNSMWBicons7.lha pix/mwb 4088 322K 1998-10-20 generic icon 7th BNS MWB Enhancement - (readme)
BNSMWBicons8.lha pix/mwb 4342 384K 1998-12-11 generic icon 8th BNS MWB Enhancement - (readme)
BNSMWBpattern2.lha pix/mwb 4167 1.4M 1998-09-13 generic icon 2th BNS MWB patterns pack - (readme)
Found 303 matching packages
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