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Found 115 matching packages
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
MultiRead.lha 1.0 text/fwrit 1271 9K 1996-10-15 m68k-amigaos icon FinalWriter/ProWrite files -> ASCII - (readme)
Pal_Adjust.lha text/fwrit 460 6K 1997-01-28 generic icon FW macro, adjusts Pal images to printer - (readme)
PoetryTmp.lha text/fwrit 451 3K 1997-06-02 generic icon A poetry template for FW5+ - (readme)
quote_fw.lha text/fwrit 426 4K 1995-02-14 m68k-amigaos icon ARexx Macros for Final Writer to do quotes - (readme)
RenamePS2FW.lha 1.10 text/fwrit 522 2K 1998-01-07 m68k-amigaos icon Renames PS-Fonts to FinalWriter format - (readme)
Renumber.lha text/fwrit 486 1K 1994-09-28 generic icon Renumber script for FinalWriter - (readme)
ScanImage.lha text/fwrit 402 1K 1997-06-11 m68k-amigaos icon ScanQuix loader for FinalWriter V - (readme)
SendED.lha 1.01 (First Aminet Release) text/fwrit 410 2K 1997-04-28 m68k-amigaos icon Opens Editor on FinalWriter-PubScreen - (readme)
smacros.lha text/fwrit 446 58K 1994-12-31 m68k-amigaos icon 6 excellent Final Writer Arexx Macros - (readme)
smacrosflow.lha text/fwrit 437 107K 1995-01-22 generic icon FW Flow Charting Macros - (readme)
supmacro11upd.lha text/fwrit 450 17K 1995-01-22 generic icon FW Arexx Macro Update - (readme)
TextBlocks.lha text/fwrit 537 5K 2005-02-13 generic icon Rotatable paragraphs - (readme)
UserDictPL.lha 1.0 text/fwrit 428 1.9M 2001-11-18 m68k-amigaos icon Polish speller lib for FinalWriter 5.03 - (readme)
VKart.lha 1.3 text/fwrit 471 30K 1997-08-28 generic icon Positioner for GFX-Objects with FW3 - (readme)
Vorlagen.FW.lha 1 text/fwrit 463 107K 1999-01-14 generic icon Collection of templates for Finalwriter - (readme)
Found 115 matching packages
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