ReqReboot.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
507 |
7K |
1998-02-05 |
Yet another Reboot util with optional Requester - (readme) |
ReqSlide12.lha |
util/cli |
458 |
22K |
2003-10-03 |
Shorter RequestSlide with new operators (v1.2) - (readme) | |
41.1 |
util/cli |
702 |
4K |
2006-11-25 |
RequestChoice clone. Better. - (readme) |
RequestAssign.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
576 |
19K |
1999-04-30 |
GUI for the Assign command. - (readme) |
requestmode.lha |
util/cli |
717 |
6K |
1995-12-27 |
Prompt user for an available ScreenMode - (readme) |
RequestMX.lha |
util/cli |
537 |
10K |
2003-10-03 |
Do a choice using MX gadtools\' gadget - (readme) |
RequestStringX.lha |
6.3 |
util/cli |
488 |
36K |
1998-12-27 |
Requests a string. CXX source inc. - (readme) |
reset100.lha |
util/cli |
481 |
3K |
1995-06-24 |
Resets your computer with asking first! - (readme) |
ReSize.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
467 |
14K |
2000-02-15 |
Shell tool to set file size - (readme) |
Return.lha |
util/cli |
540 |
1K |
1998-02-16 |
Wait for return in scripts - (readme) |
RIVer.lha |
util/cli |
480 |
5K |
1992-08-15 |
Extension to AmigaDOS \'Version\' command - (readme) |
roma2dec.lha |
util/cli |
480 |
4K |
1995-06-24 |
Converts roman number to decimal ones. - (readme) |
RonII031.lha |
0.31 |
util/cli |
497 |
17K |
1995-03-23 |
A Notification util, with ARexx etc. - (readme) |
RonIIupd.lha |
0.32 |
util/cli |
523 |
7K |
1995-03-28 |
A Notification util, with ARexx etc. Bugfix - (readme) |
rpl.lha |
util/cli |
527 |
10K |
1998-02-27 |
CLI search and replace tool 39.10 - (readme) |
rrr-onyx.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
443 |
3K |
1996-06-23 |
Asm coded file cutter Ms. Onyx v1.0. FAST! - (readme) |
rrr-sapp.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
474 |
3K |
1996-06-23 |
Asm coded file joiner Ms. Sapphire v1.0. FAST! - (readme) |
rtGetModeID.lha |
1.0.8 |
util/cli |
291 |
8K |
2024-11-11 |
get screenmode information in a shell - (readme) |
RunBack.lha |
util/cli |
816 |
5K |
1991-01-10 |
Start a CLI process in the background - (readme) |
RunFromWB.lha |
util/cli |
955 |
11K |
1999-09-11 |
Runs file in WB way - (readme) |
Runner-LC.lha |
util/cli |
527 |
5K |
1997-09-15 |
Menu for running up to 18 prgs. - (readme) |
runpal_v1.1.lha |
util/cli |
487 |
4K |
1992-11-19 |
RunPal opens a small PAL screen before starting a program. - (readme) |
run_bin.lha |
util/cli |
636 |
15K |
1997-09-06 |
& - RunCommand like the Unix-version - (readme) |
RV1.57-ITA.txt |
1.57 |
util/cli |
426 |
2K |
2001-03-18 |
Italian Catalog for R (Request) 1.57 - (readme) |
r_HU.lha |
util/cli |
485 |
1K |
2001-03-18 |
Hungarian catalog for \"R\" v1.55 - (readme) |
SafeCopy.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
512 |
14K |
2003-09-07 |
Overwrite protection, and autorenaming feature. - (readme) |
saw_1.0.lha |
1.0 (7.12.99) |
util/cli |
444 |
5K |
2000-08-16 |
Alternative to strip a given word from a string. - (readme) |
SayDeutsch.lha |
util/cli |
680 |
11K |
1997-06-21 |
CLI-SAY replacement, does \" \" - (readme) |
SBChecker.lha |
util/cli |
461 |
2K |
1997-03-12 |
Small util for The Killing Grounds, helps with making levels. - (readme) |
SBDepack.lha |
util/cli |
450 |
3K |
1997-03-31 |
Utility to depack TKG files ** Bug fix ** - (readme) |
SBLCookieV1_1.lha |
util/cli |
451 |
358K |
1996-05-21 |
V1.1 Another CLI Fortune Cookie Program. - (readme) |
scan.lha |
util/cli |
503 |
139K |
1992-05-21 |
File pattern matcher does lha/lzh - (readme) |
SCopy10.lha |
util/cli |
558 |
15K |
1996-06-02 |
See copy speed and progress on slow devices - (readme) |
ScreenShuffle.lha |
0.2 |
util/cli |
494 |
1K |
1997-08-07 |
Tiny program to move public screens around - (readme) |
ScreenToBack.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
947 |
18K |
2006-10-16 |
Push the frontmost screen to the back - (readme) |
search.lha |
util/cli |
492 |
12K |
1992-10-19 |
Recursively searches directorys for file information - (readme) |
Search1.2PL.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
513 |
17K |
2001-10-21 |
Polish Locale for Search 1.2 - (readme) |
search1_1.lha |
util/cli |
545 |
6K |
1993-03-11 |
A very fast replacement for the original Commo search - (readme) |
Searcher.lha |
util/cli |
472 |
44K |
2002-07-07 |
Text Engine for textfiles or Aminet listings or similar - (readme) |
searchprogdir.lha |
1.00 |
util/cli |
989 |
16K |
2011-01-03 |
searchprogdir - (readme) |
sect.lha |
util/cli |
587 |
13K |
1999-06-09 |
Output specified lines out of a file - (readme) |
SecureDel42_1.lha |
util/cli |
474 |
4K |
1995-12-11 |
\'secure\' file deletion prog for all filesystems - (readme) |
sed-genclass.lha |
util/cli |
484 |
27K |
1992-08-15 |
sed (stream editor) and genclass for the Ami - (readme) |
SED.lha |
40.3 |
util/cli |
1065 |
14K |
2000-12-12 |
Amiga stream editor - (readme) |
Seeker.lha |
1.2 |
util/cli |
493 |
87K |
1992-01-05 |
\'Find File\' type util for OS 2.0. V1.2 - (readme) |
seek_52.lha |
util/cli |
503 |
4K |
1994-05-24 |
Seek files in directory tree, execute any command on found files - (readme) |
select14.lha |
util/cli |
505 |
18K |
1993-04-26 |
Shell util to select from the files matching given pattern - (readme) |
select18.lha |
1.8 |
util/cli |
487 |
23K |
1997-07-29 |
Shell utility to interactively select files - (readme) |
selectserial.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
497 |
16K |
1999-06-29 |
Select a Serial in your own Program - (readme) |
SensorsList.lha |
1.6 |
util/cli |
1248 |
7K |
2020-04-12 |
List of all sensors in your computer - (readme) |